TRIM67 -molekyylissä on N-terminaalinen RING finger -motiivi ja PRY
domeeni sekä C-terminaalinen SPRY. TRIM69 kuuluu C_IV_ PRY alaluokaan.
Tästä geenistä on tietoa koe-eläimistä, joissa se ilmenee
erityisesti germinaalisissa soluissa spermatidin ollessa pyöreässä
vaiheessa spermatogeneesin aikana. Jos geeni yli-ilmenee se aiheuttaa
apoptoosia. Alternatiivipleissauksella koodautuu erilaisia
isoformeja. Tätä ilmenee testiksessä ja vähän myös aivoissa.
- Trif; HSD34; RNF36; HSD-34 Summary This gene encodes a member of the RING-B-box-coiled-coil (RBCC) family and encodes a protein with an N-terminal RING finger motif, a PRY domain and a C-terminal SPRY domain. The mouse ortholog of this gene is specifically expressed in germ cells at the round spermatid stages during spermatogenesis and, when overexpressed, induces apoptosis. Alternatively spliced transcript variants encoding distinct isoforms have been described. [provided by RefSeq, Jul 2008] Expression Biased expression in testis (RPKM 19.8) and brain (RPKM 1.8) See more
- https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/12837286/ Exp Cell Res. 2003 Jul 15;287(2):301-13. Forced expression of RNF36 induces cell apoptosis.Shyu HW1, Hsu SH, Hsieh-Li HM, Li H. Abstract
(Suomennosta) RNF36 alias Trif ilmenee
germinaalisoluissa pyöreän spermatidin asteella spermatogeneesin
aikana. Koska germinaalisia solulinjoja ei ollut saatavilla RNF36-
tutkimuksiin, tässä työssä ekspressoitiin RNF36 lyhennetyssä
muodossa ja täyspitkänä proteiinina COS-7 ja HEK-293
solulinjoissa ja tutkittiin RNF36 vaikutuksia somaattisiin soluihin. Lyhennetty RNF36-1 oletettuine tumalokalisaatiosignaaleineen pysyi
tuman sisälla, mutta menetti täplikkään mallinsa. PML- proteiinia (
toinen TRIMproteiini) oli aiemmin osoitettu tumasta täplikkäänä
esiintymänä. Tutkimukset osoittivat, että RNF36 asettuu samoihin
kohtiin kuin PML ja tekee sen kanssa interaktion. RNF36:n tumaan
lokalisoituminen on fosforylaation kontrolloimaa- mahdollisesti
p38:n välittämänä. Jos käytettiin p38-inhibiittoria, RNF36
translokoitui sytoplasmaan. Jos täyspitkä RNF36 asetettiin
soluissa yliekspressioon, puolet transfektoiduista soluissa kävi
läpi apotoottisen kuoleman. Tutkittaessa RNF36-indusoimaa
apoptoosia, havaittiin että Bax, kaspaasi-2 ja
reseptori–interaktioproteiini olivat koholla testatuissa soluissa
RNF36 induktiosta. Tulokset osoittavat, etä RNF36 tekee interaktion
PML:n kanssa ja indusoi apoptoosia. Tutkijat arvelevat, että
RNF36:lla voi olla osuutta germinaalisten solujen homeostaasissa
spermatogeneesin aikana,
- RNF36 (ring finger protein 36; alias Trif), a member of the RING zinc finger protein family, is expressed in germ cells at round spermatid stages during spermatogenesis. RING finger proteins have been implicated in a variety of functions including oncogenesis, viral replication, and developmental processes. Since no germ cell line is presently available to study the function of RNF36, in this research, we expressed RNF36 truncated and full-length proteins in COS-7 and HEK-293 cell lines to study the effect of RNF36 in somatic cells. The full-length RNF36 protein in both cell lines showed a speckled pattern in the nucleus. Truncated RNF36-1 protein with its putative nuclear localization signal (NLS) remained within the nucleus but lost the speckled pattern. The promyelocytic leukemia (PML) protein, another RING finger protein, was previously identified as present in the nucleus with a speckled pattern. Double-staining and coimmunoprecipitation analyses suggested that RNF36 colocalizes and interacts with PML. In vitro phosphorylation analysis further suggested that RNF36 nuclear localization is under the control of phosphorylation, which might be mediated by p38. Treatment with the p38 inhibitor SB203580 resulted in the cytoplasmic translocation of RNF36. Overexpression of full-length RNF36 in cells induced about half of the transfected cells to undergo cell death. The results of DNA fragmentation assays, flow cytometry assay, and TUNEL staining suggest that the death of RNF36-transfected cells was caused by apoptosis. Following further characterization of the molecular mechanism of RNF36-induced apoptosis, we found that the expression of Bax, caspase-2, and receptor-interacting protein were elevated upon RNF36 induction in test cells. These results suggest that RNF36 may interact with PML and induce cell apoptosis. We suspect that RNF36 may play a role in germ cell homeostasis during spermatogenesis.
- The E3 ubiquitin ligase activity and subcellular localisation of human TRIM69 (hTRIM69) gene were studied. It was found that hTRIM69 mediated ubiquitination in an E2 conjugating enzyme selective fashion in vitro and an intact RING finger domain was indispensible for the process. Further evidences showed that hTRIM69 could mediate ubiquitination in vivo, which could be enhanced by a proteasome inhibitor. hTRIM69 was found to localise in both the cytoplasm and the nucleus in a speckled aggregating pattern, which also required an intact RING finger domain. Collectively, hTRIM69 is a novel E3 ubiquitin ligase identified from human testis and may function to ubiquitinate its particular substrates during spermatogenesis.
Eräs isoformeista .
Muistiin 24.4. 2018
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