TRIM13 (Kr.13q14). K29 ubikitiiniligaasi
TRIM13 geeni koodaa
tripartiittimotiivisen perheen jäsentä. TRIM-motiivissa on kolme
sinkkiä sitovaa domeenia: RING, B-box 1 ja B-box2 sekä coiled
-coil- helikaali jakso. Se kuuluu alaluokaan C_XI, koska sillä
on transmembraaninen domeeni (TM).
Minimaalinen deleetio alue todetaan kroonisessa B-lymfosyytin leukemiassa (B-CLL).
TRIM13 omaa monia vaihtoehtoisesti luettuja transkriptiovariantteja. Geeniä ilmenee testiksessä ja luuytimessä, tyreoideassa ja 24 muussa kudoksessa. Promoottorissa on tälle trimille tyypillinen toistosekvenssi ja siitä tulee nimi RFP2. Siitä on yksi linkki alla.
Minimaalinen deleetio alue todetaan kroonisessa B-lymfosyytin leukemiassa (B-CLL).
TRIM13 omaa monia vaihtoehtoisesti luettuja transkriptiovariantteja. Geeniä ilmenee testiksessä ja luuytimessä, tyreoideassa ja 24 muussa kudoksessa. Promoottorissa on tälle trimille tyypillinen toistosekvenssi ja siitä tulee nimi RFP2. Siitä on yksi linkki alla.
Summary This gene
encodes a member of the tripartite motif (TRIM) family. The TRIM
motif includes three zinc-binding domains, a RING, a B-box type 1
and a B-box type 2, and a coiled-coil region. This gene is located
on chromosome 13 within the minimal deletion region for B-cell
chronic lymphocytic leukemia. Multiple alternatively spliced
transcript variants have been found for this gene. [provided by
RefSeq, Jul 2008]Expression Broad expression in testis (RPKM 17.7),
bone marrow (RPKM 8.8) and 25 other tissues
TRIM13 tekee K29polyubikitinaation TRAF6:een ja täten vahvistaa TLR2- välitteistä NF-KB aktivaatiota makrofagissa
suomennosta). Ubikitinaatio on monivivahteinen posttranslationaalinen
modifikaatio, joka osallistuu NK-kB-aktivoitumiseen Tollin kaltaisen
reseptorin (TLR) signaloinnin kautta. Tässä tutkijat osoittivat,
että TRIM13 ( E3-ubikitiiniligaasi) säätyy makrofageissa ylös,
kun TLR2 stimuloituu. TRIM13 poistogeenisyys heikonsi
TLR2-välitteistä sytokiinien/kemokiinien tuotantoa, vaahtosolujen
muodostumista ja NF-kB- aktivaatiota.
TRIM13:n vuorovaikuttaa TNF-
reseptoriin assosioituneeseen tekijään 6 (TRAF6) ja vahvistaa
NF-kB aktiviteettiä ubikitinoimalla TRAF6:n .
Inaktiivin mutantin
tai TRIM13:n RING-domeenideleetiota kantavan mutantin yliesiintymä
ei vahvistanut TRAF6 ubikitinaatiota eikä myöskään
tulokset viitaavat siihen, että TRIM13:n vaikutukset riippuvat
sen E3-ligaasi aktiviteetista. TRAF6:n ubikitinoimiseen TRIM13
käytti K29-linkittyjä ubikitiiniketjuja edistääkseen NF-kB
aktiivisuutta ja sillä tavalla vahvisti TLR2- välitteisiä
saama tieto vahvistaa, että TRIM13 on NF-kB-aktivaation
positiivinen säätelijä ja tieto viittaa siihenkin, että
TLR2-signaloinnin kontrolliin osallistuu spesifinen
ubikitinaatiomalli, jossa on K29-linkkiytynytta polyubikitinaatiota.
Ubiquitination is a versatile post-translational modification involved in nuclear factor-κB (NF-κB) activation of Toll-like receptor (TLR) signaling. Here, we demonstrated that Trim13, an E3 ubiquitin ligase, is up-regulated in macrophages upon stimulation with TLR2 ligand. Knockdown of Trim13 attenuated TLR2-mediated production of cytokines/chemokines and formation of foam cells as well as activation of NF-κB. Trim13 interacts with tumor necrosis factor receptor-associated factor 6 (TRAF6) and potentiates NF-κB activity via ubiquitination of TRAF6. Overexpression of inactive mutant (C10/13A) or really interesting new gene (RING) deletion mutant of Trim13 did not potentiate ubiquitination of TRAF6 or activation of NF-κB. These results suggest that the effects of Trim13 are dependent on its E3 ligase activity. Trim13 used K29-linked polyubiquitin chains for TRAF6 ubiquitination to promote NF-κB activity and thus potentiated activation of TLR2-mediated immune responses. Our data identify Trim13 as a positive regulator of NF-κB activation and suggest that K29-linked polyubiquitination is a specific ubiquitin-linked pattern involved in the control of TLR2 signaling.
Kr13q14 täysi tai osittainen deleetio syynä moneen plasmasolumaligniteettiin
TRIM13 (RFP2) downregulation decreases tumour cell growth in multiple myeloma(MM= through inhibition of NF Kappa B pathway and proteasome activity. Gatt ME, et al. Br J Haematol, 2013 Jul. PMID 23647456, Free PMC Article
Multiple myeloma (MM) is an incurable neoplasm caused by proliferation of malignant plasma cells in the bone marrow (BM). MM is characterized frequently by a complete or partial deletion of chromosome 13q14, seen in more than 50% of patients at diagnosis.
Within this deleted region the tripartite motif containing 13 (TRIM13, also termed RFP2) gene product has been proposed to be a tumour suppressor gene (TSG). Here, we show that low expression levels of TRIM13 in MM are associated with chromosome 13q deletion and poor clinical outcome. We present a functional analysis of TRIM13 using a loss-of-function approach, and demonstrate that TRIM13 downregulation decreases tumour cell survival as well as cell cycle progression and proliferation of MM cells. In addition, we provide evidence for the involvement of TRIM13 downregulation in inhibiting the NF kappa B pathway and the activity of the 20S proteasome. Although this data does not support a role of TRIM13 as a TSG, it substantiates important roles of TRIM13 in MM tumour survival and proliferation, underscoring its potential role as a novel target for therapeutic intervention.
TRIM13 (RFP2) geenin pieni deleetio B-CLL leukemiassa
RFP2, c13ORF1, and FAM10A4 are the most likely tumor suppressor gene candidates for B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia. van Everdink WJ, et al. Cancer Genet Cytogenet, 2003 Oct 1. PMID 14499696 Occurrence of 13q14 deletions between D13S273 and D13S25 in B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia (B-CLL) suggests that the region contains a tumor suppressor gene. We constructed a PAC/cosmid contig largely corresponding to a 380-kb 13q14 YAC insert that we found deleted in a high proportion of B-CLL patients. We found seven genes by exon trapping, cDNA screening and analysis/cDNA extension of known expressed sequence tags. One appeared to originate from another region of 13q. Recent publications have focused on two of the genes that most likely do not have a tumor suppressor role. This study evaluates the remaining four genes in the region by mutation scanning and theoretical analysis of putative encoded products. No mutations suggestive of a pathogenic effect were found. The 13q14 deletions may be a consequence of an inherent instability of the region, an idea supported by our finding of a considerable proportion of AluY repeats. Deletion of putative enhancer sequences and/or genes in the region may result in an inactivation of tumor suppression by a haploinsufficiency mechanism. We conclude that RFP2, c13ORF1, and a chromosome 13-specific ST13-like gene, FAM10A4, are the most likely candidates for such a type of B-CLL TSG.
TRIM3, LEU5, Tarkempi tutkimus instabiilista geenikohdasta
A cosmid and cDNA fine physical map of a human chromosome 13q14 region frequently lost in B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia and identification of a new putative tumor suppressor gene, Leu5. Kapanadze B, et al. FEBS Lett, 1998 Apr 17. PMID 9599022 B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia (B-CLL) is a human hematological neoplastic disease often associated with the loss of a chromosome 13 region between RB1 gene and locus D13S25. A new tumor suppressor gene (TSG) may be located in the region. A cosmid contig has been constructed between the loci D13S1168 (WI9598) and D13S25 (H2-42), which corresponds to the minimal region shared by B-CLL associated deletions. The contig includes more than 200 LANL and ICRF cosmid clones covering 620 kb. Three cDNAs likely corresponding to three different genes have been found in the minimally deleted region, sequenced and mapped against the contigged cosmids. cDNA clone 10k4 as well as a chimeric clone 13g3, codes for a zinc-finger domain of the RING type and shares homology to some known genes involved in tumorigenesis (RET finger protein, BRCA1) and embryogenesis (MID1). We have termed the gene corresponding to 10k4/13g3 clones LEU5. This is the first gene with homology to known TSGs which has been found in the region of B-CLL rearrangements.
TRIM13 herkistää solua stressissä; K63polyubikitinaatio kaspaasi 8:aan. Fagolysosomitie.
TRIM13 regulates caspase-8 ubiquitination, translocation to autophagosomes and activation during ER stress induced cell death. Tomar D, et al. Biochim Biophys Acta, 2013 Dec. PMID 24021263 The emerging evidences suggest that endoplasmic (ER) stress is involved in onset of many pathological conditions like cancer and neurodegeneration. The persistent ER stress results in misfolded protein aggregates, which are degraded through the process of autophagy or lead to cell death through activation of caspases. The regulation of crosstalk of autophagy and cell death during ER stress is emerging. Ubiquitination plays regulatory role in crosstalk of autophagy and cell death. In the current study, we describe the role of TRIM13, RING E3 ubiquitin ligase, in regulation of ER stress induced cell death. The expression of TRIM13 sensitizes cells to ER stress induced death. TRIM13 induced autophagy is essential for ER stress induced caspase activation and cell death. TRIM13 induces K63 linked poly-ubiquitination of caspase-8, which results in its stabilization and activation during ER stress. TRIM13 regulates translocation of caspase-8 to autophagosome and its fusion with lysosome during ER stress. This study first time demonstrated the role of TRIM13 as novel regulator of caspase-8 activation and cell death during ER stress.
TRIM, CAR, Leu5, minimaalisen deleetioalueen (MDR) tarkempaa selvitystä
Nucleotide sequence, transcription map, and mutation analysis of the 13q14 chromosomal region deleted in B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia. Migliazza A, et al. Blood, 2001 Apr 1. PMID 11264177 Deletions of the 13q14 chromosome region are associated with B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia (B-CLL) and several other types of cancer, suggesting the presence of a tumor suppressor gene. In previous studies the minimal region of deletion (MDR) was mapped to a less than 300-kilobase (kb) interval bordered by the markers 173a12-82 and 138G4/1.3R. For the identification of the putative tumor suppressor gene, the entire MDR (approximately 347 kb) has been sequenced, and transcribed regions have been identified by exon trapping, EST-based full-length complementary DNA cloning, database homology searches, and computer-assisted gene prediction analyses.
The MDR contains 2 pseudogenes and 3 transcribed genes:
CAR, encoding a putative RING-finger containing protein;
1B4/Leu2, generating noncoding transcripts;
and EST70/Leu1, probably representing another noncoding gene (longest open reading frame of 78 codons).
These genes have been sequenced in 20 B-CLL cases with 13q14 hemizygous deletion, and no mutations were found. Moreover, no somatic variants were found in the entire MDR analyzed for nucleotide substitutions by a combination of direct sequencing and fluorescence-assisted mismatch analysis in 5 B-CLL cases displaying 13q14-monoallelic deletion.
The nondeleted allele of the CAR and EST70/Leu1 genes was expressed in B-CLL specimens, including those with monoallelic loss, whereas no expression of 1B4/Leu2 was detectable in B-CLL, regardless of the 13q14 status.
These results indicate that allelic loss and mutation of a gene within the MDR is an unlikely pathogenetic mechanism for B-CLL.
However, haplo-insufficiency of one of the identified genes may contribute to tumorigenesis. (Blood. 2001;97:2098-2104).
TRIM13 on endoplasmiseen retikulumiin(ER) ankkuroitunut ubikitiiniligaasi , joka säätelee solujen klonogeenista aktiivisuutta. NEMO-ubikitinaatio.
- TRIM13 regulates ubiquitination and turnover of NEMO to suppress TNF induced NF-κB activation.TRIM13 mediated NF-kappaB repression is essential for negative regulation of clonogenic ability of the cells. The NF-κB family of transcription factors is activated in response to various intracellular or extracellular stimuli and its dysregulation leads to pathological conditions like infection, cancer, neurodegenerative disorders.
- The post-translational modification by ubiquitination regulates various steps of NF-κB pathway. In the current study, we have described the role of TRIM13, an endoplasmic reticulum (ER) membrane anchored E3 ligase in regulation of NF-κB. The expression of TRIM13 represses TNF induced NF-κB while the knockdown has the opposite effect. The E3 ligase activity and ER localization is essential for NF-κB suppression whereas TRIM13 regulated autophagy is not essential. TRIM13 interacts with NEMO and modulates its ubiquitination and turnover, hence may regulate IKK complex activity. TRIM13 mediated NF-κB repression is essential for negative regulation of clonogenic ability of the cells. This study for the first time demonstrated the role of TRIM13, ER resident RING E3 ligase as a novel regulator of NEMO ubiquitination, negative regulator of NF-κB signaling and its role as a tumor suppressor.
Endoplasminen reticulum (ER) on laadunkontrollipaikka proteiineille
Monet proteiinit,
jotka eivät läpäise tätä endoplamisen verkoston kontrollia,
siirretään syrjään sytoplasman puolelle ja siellä ne käsittelee
monipuolinen proteosomi-silppurointijärjestelmä ja niiden
peruselementit hyödynnetään esim johonkin synteesiin. (
Endoplasmiseen retikulumiin assosioitunut degradaatio: ERAD-L,
Kuitenkin tämä laadunkontrolli joissain tapauksissa
säästää puuteellisenkin proteiinin funktiota. Turha proteiinien
poisto edustaa patogeneettisiä piirteitä erilaisissa
geneettisissä taudeissa, näistä on tunnetuin esimerkki CFTCR
cystisen fibroosin transmembraanisen johtuvuuden säätelijän
DF508 mutaatio. ( Kloridikanava)
Juovikkaan lihaksen
sarkoglygaanin ( alfa, beta, gamma) epäasianmukainen
proteosomaalinen hajoittaminen missense- mutaatiossa on arveltu
LGMD-lihasdystrofia- taudin taustaksi (Siitä tunnetaan tyypit 2D, 2E,
2C, 2F). Sargoglykaanimutantin hajoittamisesta vastaava
proteiinintarkkailutie ei ole vielä selvitetty. Tässä
artikkelissa esitetään V247M- alfa-sarkoglykaanimutantin
hajoamisreitti – tämä on toiseksi yleisimmin raportoitu
val247met- alfa-sarkoglykaanimutaatio LGMF 2D- lihasdystrofia
ubikitiiniligaasit HRD1 (kr.11q13.1 synovioliini1) ja TRIM13 (RFP2, Kr. 13q14)
avustavat tämän tien paljastamisessa ja ehkä voidaan löytää
terapeuttisia kohteita tässä taudissa, johon ei nykyään vielä
ole mitään parantavaa terapiaa. Mainittava seikka on, että E3
ubikitiiniligaasi HRD1 :n inhibitiolla säästyy V247
alfa-sarkoglykaanilaatua heterologisissa solumalleissa ja LMGD-
D2- potilaiden myotuubeissa, kun kyse on geenimutaatiosta L31P/V247M .
Tämä on ensimmäinen osoitus siitä, että E3-ligaasit, jotka ovat
mutatoituneen proteiinin hajoittamisesta vastuussa, voivat olla
sarkoglykanopatiassa lääkeinterventiolla tavoitettavia kohteita.
Unveiling the degradative route of the V247M α-sarcoglycan mutant responsible for LGMD-2D. Results show that HRD1 and RFP2 contributes are required for the disposal of V247M alpha-sarcoglycan mutant. Many membrane and secretory proteins that fail to pass quality control in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) are dislocated into the cytosol and degraded by the proteasome. In applying rigid rules, however, quality control sometimes discharges proteins that, even though defective, retain their function. The unnecessary removal of such proteins represents the pathogenetic hallmark of diverse genetic diseases, in the case of ΔF508 mutant of cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator being probably the best known example. Recently, the inappropriate proteasomal degradation of skeletal muscle sarcoglycans (α, β, γ and δ) with missense mutation has been proposed to be at the bases of mild-to-severe forms of limb girdle muscular dystrophy (LGMD) known as type 2D, 2E, 2C and 2F, respectively. The quality control pathway responsible for sarcoglycan mutant disposal, however, is so far unexplored. Here we reveal key components of the degradative route of V247M α-sarcoglycan mutant, the second most frequently reported mutation in LGMD-2D. The disclosure of the pathway, which is led by the E3 ligases HRD1 and RFP2, permits to identify new potential druggable targets of a disease for which no effective therapy is at present available. Notably, we show that the pharmacological inhibition of HRD1 activity rescues the expression of V247-α-sarcoglycan both in a heterologous cell model and in myotubes derived from a LGMD-2D patient carrying the L31P/V247M mutations. This represents the first evidence that the activity of E3 ligases, the enzymes in charge of mutant fate, can be eligible for drug interventions to treat sarcoglycanopathy.
TRIM13 on osoitettu kaspaasi8:n aktivaation säätelijäksi (solustressissä)
TRIM13 osuus multippelissa myeloomassa selvitetty
myeloomassa luuytimen ( B-soluista erikoistuva) plasmasolu on
alkanut pahanlaatuisesti kasvaa. Kromosomideleetio on usein taustalla.
On ajateltu jopa, että TRIM13 olisi tuumorisupressiivinen geeni (TSG) (?);
kromosomideleetiossa sen määrä on matala. TRIM13:n alassäätö
kuitenkin vähensi tuumorin solusyklin etenemistä ja tuumorisolun
kasvua.NF-kB tie inaktivoitui, samoin 20S proteosomin aktiivisuus
aleni. Tämän työn tieto ei tue TRIM13:n osuutta tuumorisuppressorina,
TRIM13 näytti edistävän sensijaan myeloomasolun elossapysymistä ja
on täten uusi
terapeuttisen intervention kohde.
Shows important roles of TRIM13 in MM tumour survival and proliferation in multiple myeloma. Multiple myeloma (MM) is an incurable neoplasm caused by proliferation of malignant plasma cells in the bone marrow (BM). MM is characterized frequently by a complete or partial deletion of chromosome 13q14, seen in more than 50% of patients at diagnosis. Within this deleted region the tripartite motif containing 13 (TRIM13, also termed RFP2) gene product has been proposed to be a tumour suppressor gene (TSG). Here, we show that low expression levels of TRIM13 in MM are associated with chromosome 13q deletion and poor clinical outcome. We present a functional analysis of TRIM13 using a loss-of-function approach, and demonstrate that TRIM13 downregulation decreases tumour cell survival as well as cell cycle progression and proliferation of MM cells. In addition, we provide evidence for the involvement of TRIM13 downregulation in inhibiting the NF kappa B pathway and the activity of the 20S proteasome. Although this data does not support a role of TRIM13 as a TSG, it substantiates important roles of TRIM13 in MM tumour survival and proliferation, underscoring its potential role as a novel target for therapeutic intervention.
TRIM13 autofagian aloittajana
(Suomennosta) Autofagia
on solun adaptiivisia prosesseja ja antaa suojaa monia patologisia
tiloja kohtaan kuten infektioita, syöpää, neurodegeneraatiota ja
ikääntymistä kohtaan. Ubikitinaatio hajoittaa viallisia organelleja
joko proteosomisilppurissa tai autofagialla. TRIM13 on endoplasmiseen
retikulumiin (ER) ankkuroitunut E3-ligaasi ja indusoi autofagiaa ja
osallistuu ER- stressiin. Ektooppinen TRIM13 indusoi autofagiaa
tutkituissa soluissa. TRIM13 :n coiled-coil domeeni(C-C) vaaditaan
tähän autofagiafunktioon. ER-stressi stabiloi TRIM13- proteiinin ja
se tekee vuorovaikutuksen p62/SQSTM1:n kanssa ja ko-lokalisoituu DFCP1:n
Autophagy is one of the cellular adaptive processes that provide protection against many pathological conditions like infection, cancer, neurodegeneration, and aging.Recent evidences suggest that ubiquitination plays an important role in degradation of proteins or defective organelle either through proteasome or autophagy. In this study, we describe the role of TRIM13, ER resident ubiquitin E3 ligase in induction of autophagy and its role during ER stress. The ectopic expression of TRIM13 in HEK-293 cells induces autophagy. Domain mapping showed that coiled-coil (CC) domain is required for induction of autophagy. TRIM13 is stabilized during ER stress, interacts with p62/SQSTM1 and co-localizes with DFCP1. TRIM13 regulates initiation of autophagy during ER stress and decreases the clonogenic ability of the cells. This study for the first time demonstrates the role of TRIM13 in induction of autophagy which may play an important role in regulation of ER stress and may act as tumor suppressor.
TRIM13 “reseptoriregulaattorina” täsmäautofagiassa (Precision autophagy )(Kuva selvityksenä)
TRIM13 kuuluu myös RET- finger proteiineihin, mistä nimi RFP2. Aktivoituu säteilystä, stabiloi p53:n. Omaa erikoisen 4G Quadruplex-toistorakenteen.
Säteilytys aiheuttaa RFP2 (TRIM13):n yli-ilmenemää, mikä lisää jonisoivan säteilyn indusoimaa apoptoosia kohottamalla p53:n stabiiliutta ja vähentämällä AKT-kinaasiaktiivisuutta ( hajoitamalla MDM2:n ja AKT:n). Monissa tuumorityypeissä on tämä RFP2-geeni usein deletoituna – ja se on juuri TRIM13-proteiinin koodaaja. Tässä osoitetaan RFP2:n osuus trimien funktioissa ( joita ovat apoptoosi, proliferaatio, differentiaatio ja transkriptionaalinen säätely). Omalta osaltaan TRIM13 indusoi apoptoosin hajoittamalla proteosomisilppurissa MDM2- ja AKT- proteiinit. Radioaktiivisen säteilyn annoksesta ja altistusajasta riippuvalla tavalla lisääntyi RFP2:n expressio. RFP2:n yli-ilmenemä indusoi solukuoleman ja nosti apoptoottisten molekyylien ilmenemää (p53, p21 ja Bax).Jos RFP2:n RING-domeeni oli mutatoitunut, se ei kyennyt aiheuttamaan apoptoosia. Solutasossa apotoosin inhibition säätelijä on AKT. MDM2 on p53-tuumorisuppressorin negatiivinen säätelijä. TRIM13 ( RFP2) teki näiden kanssa interaktionsa ( eli ubikitinoi ne ja johti ne silppuroitumaan proteosomissa)- sekä in vivo että in vitro ( elävässä kehossa ja koeputkessa).
Näistä tiedoista päätellen säteily aiheuttaa RFP2:n yliekspression, joka lisää jonisoivan säteilyn aiheuttamaa apoptoosia kohottamalla p53:n ( Guardian of Genome) ) stabiliteettia ja alentamalla AKT-kinaasin aktiiviteettia hajoittamalla MDM2:n ( Zn finger RANB 2- tyyppinen E3-ubikitiiniligaasin) ja AKT:n.
Data suggest that irradiation causes RFP2 overexpression, which enhances ionizing radiation-induced apoptosis by increasing p53 stability and decreasing AKT kinase activity through MDM2 and AKT degradation. Ret finger protein 2 (RFP2), a gene frequently deleted in multiple tumor types, encodes a protein with a RING finger, B-box, and coiled-coil domain that belongs to the RBCC/TRIM protein family. Although RBCC proteins are involved in diverse cellular processes such as apoptosis, proliferation, differentiation, and transcriptional regulation, the biological function of RFP2 has not been well defined. Here, we demonstrate that overexpression of RFP2 in cells induced apoptosis through proteasomal degradation of MDM2 and AKT. The expression of RFP2, which possesses RING domain-dependent E3 ubiquitin ligase activity, was increased by ionizing radiation dose- and time-dependently, and RFP2 overexpression induced cell death with increased expression of apoptotic molecules (p53, p21, and Bax).
These results
depended on the E3 ubiquitin ligase activity of RFP2 because mutant
RFP2, which contains a mutated RING domain, failed to drive
apoptosis compared with wild-type RFP2. We observed that RFP2 formed
a complex with MDM2, a negative regulator of the p53 tumor
suppressor, and AKT, a regulator of apoptosis inhibition at the
cellular level. Additionally, we found that the interaction of RFP2
with MDM2 and AKT resulted in ubiquitination and proteasmal
degradation of MDM2 and AKT in vivo and in vitro. Thus, these data
suggest that irradiation causes RFP2 overexpression, which enhances
ionizing radiation-induced apoptosis by increasing p53 stability and
decreasing AKT kinase activity through MDM2 and AKT degradation.
RFP2 rakenne on ainutlaatuinen: monia aktiiveja G4 guadruplex GGGGA -toistoja ja elektrostaattista kenttää - tätä jaksoa puuttuu monista tuumoreista
Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2006 Apr 14;342(3):859-66. Epub 2006 Feb 17.
Human RFP2 gene
promoter: unique structure and unusual strength. Skoblov
M1, Shakhbazov
K, Oshchepkov
D, Ivanov
D, Guskova
A, Ivanov
D, Rubtsov
P, Prasolov
V, Yankovsky
N, Baranova
A.Human gene RFP2 is a candidate tumor suppressor located at
13q14.3 and deleted in multiple tumor types. To explore regulation of
RFP2, we determined structure of the 5'-untranslated region of RFP2
gene and its promoter. RFP2 promoter area is TATA-less, highly
enriched in G and C nucleotides, and contains multiple quadruplex
forming GGGGA-repeats. Deletion analysis of 5'-flanking sequences
demonstrated that repeat containing fragment possesses activity seven
times exceeding that of the combined SV40 promoter/enhancer. Other
unusual features of the RFP2 promoter include anomalously high
electrostatic fields induced by sequence-dependent dipoles and very
low nucleosome forming potential. A "minimized" version of
the RFP2 promoter could be used for overexpression of the various
transgenes in the mammalian
also known as RFP2, promoter area contains multiple quadruplex
forming GGGGA-repeats that possesses unusually hight activity,
anomalously high electrostatic fields induced by sequence-dependent
dipoles and very low nucleosome forming potential. Human
gene RFP2 is a candidate tumor suppressor located at 13q14.3
and deleted in multiple tumor types.
TRIM13 on ERAD E3 ubikitiiniligaasi
Endoplsmiseen retikulumiin assosioituvassa degradaatiossa välttämätön proteiini
geeni puuttuu useissa pahanlaatuisissa taudeissa . Sen koodaama
proteiini on RBCC/TRIM perhettä- Proteiinina Rfp2 on instabiili ja
se pystyy autopolyubikitinoitumaan kehossa ja koeputkessa, mikä
viittaa sen toimivan RING-tyyppisenä E3-ubikitiiniligaasina. Sen
ubikitiiniligaasiaktiivisuudelle on intakti RING-domeeni
välttämättömyys. RING-puutteiset mutantit eivät pysty tekemään
polyubikitinaatiota koeputkessa ja kehossa ne ovat stabiileja.
Endoplasmisesta verkostosta löydettiin useita proteiineja, jotka
tekevät interaktion sen kanssa ( esim. valosiinia sisältävä
proteiini VCP , joka on ER:iin assosioituvassa degradaatiossa (ERAD)
välttämätön proteiini. Rfp2 säätelee ER:n proteolyyttistä
substraattia CD3-delta. RFP2 sisältää C-terminaalissa TM-domaanin,
joka on välttämätön sen ankkuroitumiselle endoplasmiseen
retikulumiin - RFP2 kolokalisoituuu useihin ER:n proteiineihin.
Tiedot viittaavat siihen, että TRIM13 on yksi ERAD E3
RFP2, a gene frequently lost in various malignancies, encodes a protein with RING finger, B-box, and coiled-coil domains that belongs to the RBCC/TRIM family of proteins. Here we demonstrate that Rfp2 is an unstable protein with auto-polyubiquitination activity in vivo and in vitro, implying that Rfp2 acts as a RING E3 ubiquitin ligase. Consequently, Rfp2 ubiquitin ligase activity is dependent on an intact RING domain, as RING deficient mutants fail to drive polyubiquitination in vitro and are stabilized in vivo. Immunopurification and tandem mass spectrometry enabled the identification of several putative Rfp2 interacting proteins localized to the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), including valosin-containing protein (VCP), a protein indispensable for ER-associated degradation (ERAD). Importantly, we also show that Rfp2 regulates the degradation of the known ER proteolytic substrate CD3-delta, but not the N-end rule substrate Ub-R-YFP (yellow fluorescent protein), establishing Rfp2 as a novel E3 ligase involved in ERAD. Finally, we show that Rfp2 contains a C-terminal transmembrane domain indispensable for its localization to the ER and that Rfp2 colocalizes with several ER-resident proteins as analyzed by high-resolution immunostaining. In summary, these data are all consistent with a function for Rfp2 as an ERAD E3 ubiquitin ligase.
Muistiin 12.2. 2018. Tässä on suomentamatonta englantilaista tekstiä runsaaati muistissa, koska TRIM13 rakenteen ja siihen liittyvien tautien assosioaatio on edelleen selvityksenalainen.
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