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torsdag 30 april 2020

ZNHIT sinkkisormiproteiinit. Kuusi(1-6) ZNHIT- geeniä. Niissä ei ole transkiptiotekijöitä. (Vappuaattokaranteenia pandemian päivinä)

  •  ZNHIT1, (7q22.1) CG1L, ZNFN4A1

Preferred Names
zinc finger HIT domain-containing protein 1
cyclin-G1-binding protein 1
p18 Hamlet
putative cyclin G1 interacting protein
zinc finger protein subfamily 4A member 1
zinc finger protein, subfamily 4A (HIT domain containing), member 1
zinc finger, HIT domain containing 1
zinc finger, HIT type 1
  • ZNHIT2, (11q13.1),  C11orf5, FON

HIT zinc finger
This presumed zinc finger contains up to 6 cysteine residues that could coordinate zinc. The domain is named after the HIT protein. This domain is also found in the Thyroid receptor interacting protein 3 (TRIP-3) that specifically interact with the ligand binding domain of the thyroid receptor.

  • ZNHIT3 (17q12) , Hit1, PEHO, TRIP3
Preferred Names
zinc finger HIT domain-containing protein 3
HNF-4a coactivator
TR-interacting protein 3
thyroid hormone receptor interactor 3
thyroid receptor interacting protein 3
zinc finger, HIT domain containing 3
zinc finger, HIT type 3

måndag 27 april 2020

Löytyi artikkeli ZBTB-proteiinien ryhmästä: 49 kappaletta.

 Suomennosta: Hematopoieettinen kehitys (verisolujen kehittyminen omia linjojaan) säätyy ZBTB- transkriptiotekijöillä.  Eri solu injaspesifiset geenit ja  eri erilaistumisvaiheiden  geenit ilmentyvät koordinoidusti  johtamaan hematopoieettista kehitystä.  Transkriptiotekijöillä on tässä päätehtäviään ja jos niissä on hämminkiä, se ilmenee  erilaisina hematologisina ja immunologisina häiriöinä. Ihmisen  genomista  koodautuu  lähes  1900 transkriptiofaktoria. Niistä on  BTB-domaanin omaavia sinkkisormiproteiineja  49 kappaletta. ( BTB on lythennys englantilaisista  sanoista Broad-complex, Tram-track and Bric a´ brac. Ne ovat nimiä,  joita on annettu  ensimmäisille  geeni-homologeille  ehkä  banaanikärpäsellä tai muulla  tieteen  tarkasti tutkimalla  eliöllä ja sitten on vastaavaa geeniä löytynyt ihmiskunnasta ja näin  geenidomeeninb nimi siirtyy ihmisen geenin osien nimiin jonain käytännöllisenä lyhennyksenä, jolla  geenejä voi  tieteen kirjallisuudessa ryhmittää ja  erottaa  toisistaan). ZBTB-proteiineilla on myös toinen nimi POK- proteiini. BTB domeenia sanotaan myös POZ- domeeniksi, mikä  tulee sanoista  " poxvirus and zinc finger".  Sinkkisormi struktuurilla on oma tyyppinsä näissäkin.    Lisäksi molekyylillä on Krüppel-tyyppisiä  sinkkisormia, mistä  K- kirjain.  (C- terminaaliset  sinkkisormet näyttävät  duaalirakenteisilta näissä proteiineissa PubMed sekvensseissä). 

Regulation of hematopoietic development by ZBTB transcription factors

Hematopoietic development is governed by the coordinated expression of lineage- and differentiation stage-specific genes. Transcription factors play major roles in this process and their perturbation may underlie hematologic and immunologic disorders. Nearly 1900 transcription factors are encoded in the human genome: of these, 49 BTB (for broad-complex, tram-track and bric à brac)-zinc finger transcription factors referred to as ZBTB or POK proteins have been identified. ZBTB proteins, including BCL6, PLZF, ThPOK and LRF, exhibit a broad spectrum of functions in normal and malignant hematopoiesis. This review summarizes developmental and molecular functions of ZBTB proteins relevant to hematology.

ZBTB protein molecular mechanisms

ZBTB proteins are prototypical TFs consisting of an N-terminal BTB domain functioning in protein–protein interactions and C-terminal C2H2/Krüppel-type zinc fingers, which bind DNA (Fig. 1a). Between those domains lies a linker domain, whose amino acid sequence is less conserved among family proteins (Fig. 1a). The BTB domain was named after three Drosophila genes, broad-complex, tram-track and bric à brac, all encoding proteins essential for Drosophila development [12]. The BTB domain is also known as the POZ (for poxvirus and zinc finger) domain, as it is present in many poxvirus-related proteins [13]; thus ZBTB proteins are sometimes referred as POK (POZ and krüppel-type zinc fingers) proteins.

The BTB domain

The BTB domain exerts two major functions: dimer formation and recruitment of transcriptional regulators (Fig. 1a). Biochemical and structural analyses revealed that the domain forms an obligate homodimer [], which is essential for ZBTB protein function in some contexts

  For example, wild-type LRF [for Leukemia/lymphoma-Related Factor [] (also known as FBI-1 [], POKE-MON [], OCZF []); encoded by ZBTB7A] can rescue germinal center B cell defects observed in Lrf conditional knockout (KO) mice, while a dimerization-deficient LRF mutant cannot []. 

 The BTB domain can also mediate heterodimer formation. Among heterodimers identified are LRF and BCL6 (B cell Lymphoma 6; encoded by ZBTB27

[], BCL6 and MIZ-1 (Myc-interacting zinc finger protein-1; encoded by ZBTB17) [],

BCL6 and BCL6B (a.k.a. BAZF; encoded by ZBTB28) [] and 

PLZF (Promyelocytic Leukemia Zinc Finger; encoded by ZBTB16) and

 FAZF (also known as ROG [], PLZP [], or TZFP []; encoded by ZBTB32). 

 It remains unclear whether only BTB domains mediate heteromeric interactions. Higher order oligomerization through the BTB domain has also been reported: PLZF-BTB domain can form oligomers through its N-terminal β-sheet [], whereas the MIZ-1 BTB domain forms a tetramer [].

BTB domains can also recruit transcriptional regulators (Fig. 1a). The transcriptional co-repressors NCOR (nuclear receptor co-repressor) and SMRT (silencing mediator of retinoic acid and thyroid hormone receptor) are homologous proteins originally identified as co-repressors for retinoic acid receptors (RARs) and thyroid hormone receptors [, ]. These co-repressors function via recruiting histone deacetylases (HDACs), namely HDAC3 []. The functional connection between BTB domains and co-repressors became apparent when NCOR and SMRT were identified in a complex with the leukemia-associated RAR fusion proteins, PML-RARα and PLZF-RARα []. The latter interacts with SMRT/NCOR not only through the C-terminal RAR moiety but also through the N-terminal PLZF-BTB domain [, , ]. The BCL6 BTB domain was subsequently found to associate with both SMRT and NCOR [, ]. Importantly, BTB homodimer formation is a prerequisite to co-repressor recruitment []. Structural analysis revealed that a 17 amino acid residue of SMRT, called SMRT-BBD (SMRT-BCL6 binding domain), binds to a surface created by a BTB homodimer []. Thus, any potential BCL6 monomer cannot recruit the co-repressor complex. A recent study suggested that BCL6 serves as a critical downstream effector of SMRT/NCOR []. ChIP-seq (chromatin immunoprecipitation with massively parallel DNA sequencing) analysis revealed that nearly half of SMRT/NCOR binding sites were reduced or lost in Bcl6 KO macrophages []. Furthermore, almost 70 % of DNA occupancy sites are shared between SMRT-BCL6 and NCOR-BCL6 complexes, indicating a high degree of overlap between both co-repressors in the context of BCL6-mediated gene silencing []....

ZBTB7C (18q21.1), ZBTB36, ZNF857C, APM-1, APM1

 ZBTB7C, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/gene/201501
Official Symbol
Official Full Name
zinc finger and BTB domain containing 7C
Also known as
APM1; APM-1; ZBTB36; ZNF857C
Broad expression in esophagus (RPKM 8.6), skin (RPKM 4.3) and 18 other tissues See more
Orthologs  mouse al
GeneRIFs: Gene References Into Functions
What's a GeneRIF?

ZBTB7A (19p13.3), ZBTB7, ZNF857A, FBI-1, FBI-1, TIP21, pokemon

Official Symbol
Official Full Name
zinc finger and BTB domain containing 7A
Also known as
LRF; FBI1; FBI-1; TIP21; ZBTB7; ZNF857A; pokemon
Ubiquitous expression in colon (RPKM 8.0), stomach (RPKM 5.5) and 25 other tissues See more
Orthologs mouse all
Preferred Names
zinc finger and BTB domain-containing protein 7A
HIV-1 1st-binding protein 1
HIV-1 inducer of short transcripts binding protein
POK erythroid myeloid ontogenic factor
POZ and Krueppel erythroid myeloid ontogenic factor
TTF-I-interacting peptide 21
factor binding IST protein 1
factor that binds to inducer of short transcripts protein 1
leukemia/lymphoma-related factor, ( LRF)
lymphoma related factor
pokemon 1
zinc finger and BTB domain containing 7A, HIV-1 inducer of short transcripts binding protein
zinc finger protein 857A
  NP_001304919.1  zinc finger and BTB domain-containing protein 7A
        1 maggvdgpig ipfpdhssdi lsglneqrtq gllcdvvilv egrefpthrs vlaacsqyfk
       61 klftsgavvd qqnvyeidfv saealtalmd faytatltvs tanvgdilsa arlleipavs
      121 hvcadlldrq ilaadagada gqldlvdqid qrnllrakey leffqsnpmn slppaaaaaa
      181 asfpwsafga sdddldatke avaaavaava agdcngldfy gpgppaerpp tgdgdegdsn
      241 pglwperded aptgglfppp vappaatqng hygrggeeea aslseaapep gdspgflsga
      301 aegedgdgpd vdglaastll qqmmssvgra gaaagdsdee sraddkgvmd yylkyfsgah
      361 dgdvypawsq kvekkiraka fqkcpicekv iqgagklprh irthtgekpy ecnickvrft
      421 rqdklkvhmr khtgekpylc qqcgaafahn ydlknhmrvh tglrpyqcds ccktfvrsdh
      481 lhrhlkkdgc ngvpsrrgrk prvrggapdp spgatatpga paqpsspdar rngqekhfkd
      541 edededvasp dglgrlnvag aggggdsggg pgaatdgnft agla
Transcript Variant: This variant (2) differs in the 5' UTR compared to variant 1. Variants 1 and 2 encode the same protein.
Conserved Domains (3) summary
ZF_C2H2; C2H2 Zn finger [structural motif]
BTB; BTB/POZ domain
zf-H2C2_2; Zinc-finger double domain

What's a GeneRIF?
Protein Gene Interaction Pubs
Tat tat Binding of FBI-1 to HIV-1 Tat is mediated by the zinc finger (ZF) domain of FBI-1 (amino acids 377-584) and is diminished by point mutations in Tat at amino acids 18, 30, and 31 PubMed

tat FBI-1 is a cellular POZ-domain-containing protein that binds to the HIV-1 LTR and Tat protein and specifically stimulates Tat activity

ZBTB7B (1q21.3), CKROX, THPOK, ZBTB15, ZFP67, ZNF857B


Official Symbol
Official Full Name
zinc finger and BTB domain containing 7B
Also known as
This gene encodes a zinc finger-containing transcription factor that acts as a key regulator of lineage commitment of immature T-cell precursors. It is necessary and sufficient for commitment of CD4 lineage, while its absence causes CD8 commitment. It also functions as a transcriptional repressor of type I collagen genes. Alternatively spliced transcript variants have been found for this gene. [provided by RefSeq, Jan 2012]
Broad expression in skin (RPKM 39.5), duodenum (RPKM 31.2) and 25 other tissues See more
Orthologs  mouse all
Preferred Names
zinc finger and BTB domain-containing protein 7B
T-helper-inducing POZ/Krueppel-like factor
krueppel-related zinc finger protein cKrox
zinc finger and BTB domain containing 15
zinc finger protein 67 homolog
zinc finger protein 857B
zinc finger protein Th-POK
 NP_001239335.1  zinc finger and BTB domain-containing protein 7B isoform 2
        1 mlqpgphpps pqaaapgeaw pgpsqapwqs leekmgsped dligipfpdh ssellsclne
       61 qrqlghlcdl tirtqgleyr thravlaacs hyfkklfteg gggavmgagg sgtatggaga
      121 gvceldfvgp ealgallefa ytatlttssa nmpavlqaar lleipcviaa cmeilqgsgl
      181 eapspdeddc erarqyleaf atatasgvpn gedsppqvpl pppppppprp varrsrkprk
      241 aflqtkgara nhlvpevptv pahpltyeee evagrvgssg gsgpgdsysp ptgtasppeg
      301 pqsyepyege eeeeelvypp ayglaqgggp plspeelgsd edaidpdlma ylsslhqdnl
      361 apgldsqdkl vrkrrsqmpq ecpvchkiih gagklprhmr thtgekpfac evcgvrftrn
      421 dklkihmrkh tgerpyscph cparflhsyd lknhmhlhtg drpyechlch kafakedhlq
      481 rhlkgqncle vrtrrrrkdd apphypppst aaaspagldl snghldtfrl slarfweqsa
      541 ptgppvstpg ppdddeeega pttpqaegam ess
See identical proteins and their annotated locations for NP_001239335.1
Conserved Domains (4) summary
COG5048; FOG: Zn-finger [General function prediction only]
ZF_C2H2; C2H2 Zn finger [structural motif]
BTB; BTB/POZ domain
zf-H2C2_2; Zinc-finger double domain

ZBTB6 (9q33.2), ZID, ZNF482

Official Symbol  ZBTB6
Official Full Name zinc finger and BTB domain containing 6provided by HGNC
Also known as ZID; ZNF482
Expression Ubiquitous expression in lymph node (RPKM 5.7), thyroid (RPKM 5.5) and 25 other tissues See more Orthologs  mouse all
  1. NM_006626.6NP_006617.1  zinc finger and BTB domain-containing protein 6
    See identical proteins and their annotated locations for NP_006617.1
    Conserved Domains (5) summary
    ZF_C2H2; C2H2 Zn finger [structural motif]
    zf-C2H2; Zinc finger, C2H2 type
    BTB; BTB/POZ domain
    zf-H2C2_2; Zinc-finger double domain
    zf-C2H2_8; C2H2-type zinc ribbon
Related articles in PubMed

ZBTB5 (9p13.2); p21 transkirption vaimentaja

  1. Expression
    Ubiquitous expression in thyroid (RPKM 6.3), esophagus (RPKM 6.3) and 25 other tissues
  2. NM_014872.3NP_055687.1  zinc finger and BTB domain-containing protein 5

    Conserved Domains (4) summary
    BTB; Broad-Complex, Tramtrack and Bric a brac
    ZF_C2H2; C2H2 Zn finger [structural motif]
    BTB; BTB/POZ domain
    zf-H2C2_2; Zinc-finger double domain

        1 mdfpghfeqi fqqlnyqrlh gqlcdcvivv gnrhfkahrs vlaacsthfr alfsvaegdq
       61 tmnmiqldse vvtaeafaal idmmytstlm lgesnvmdvl laashlhlns vvkackhylt
      121 trtlpmspps ervqeqsarm qrsfmlqqlg lsivssalns sqngeeqpap msssmrsnld
      181 qrtpfpmrrl hkrkqsaeer arqrlrpsid esaisdvtpe ngpsgvhsre effspdslki
      241 vdnpkadgmt dnqedsaimf dqsfgtqeda qvpsqsdnsa gnmaqlsmas ratqvetsfd
      301 qeaapekssf qcenpevglg ekehmrvvvk seplsspepq devsdvtsqa egsesveveg
      361 vvvsaekidl spessdrsfs dpqsstdrvg dihilevtnn lehkstfsis nflnksrgnn
      421 ftanqnnddn ipnttsdcrl eseapyllsp eagpaggpss apgshvenpf sepadshfvr
      481 pmqevmglpc vqtsgyqgge qfgmdfsrsg lglhssfsrv migsprggas nfpyyrriap
      541 kmpvvtsvrs sqipenstss qlmmngatss fenghpsqpg ppqltrasad vlskckkals
      601 ehnvlvvega rkyackicck tfltltdckk hirvhtgekp yaclkcgkrf sqsshlykhs
      661 kttclrwqss nlpstll

ZBTB16 , (11q23.2), PLZF, ZNF145, Säädellee AT2 reseptoria

 ZBTB16 (11q23.2),
Official Full Name
zinc finger and BTB domain containing 16
Also known as
This gene is a member of the Krueppel C2H2-type zinc-finger protein family and encodes a zinc finger transcription factor that contains nine Kruppel-type zinc finger domains at the carboxyl terminus. This protein is located in the nucleus, is involved in cell cycle progression, and interacts with a histone deacetylase. Specific instances of aberrant gene rearrangement at this locus have been associated with acute promyelocytic leukemia (APL). Alternate transcriptional splice variants have been characterized. [provided by RefSeq, Jul 2008]
Broad expression in fat (RPKM 27.9), ovary (RPKM 22.2) and 19 other tissues See more
Preferred Names
zinc finger and BTB domain-containing protein 16
promyelocytic leukaemia zinc finger
zinc finger protein 145 (Kruppel-like, expressed in promyelocytic leukemia)
zinc finger protein PLZF
Retrovirus HIV-1 Vif säätää alas  ZBTB16 ilmentymisen T-soluissa, joissa  Vif expressoituu.
Conserved Domains (4) summary
COG5048; FOG: Zn-finger [General function prediction only]
ZF_C2H2; C2H2 Zn finger [structural motif]
BTB; BTB/POZ domain
Herpes_ICP4_C; Herpesvirus ICP4-like protein C-terminal region
            Summary: This gene is a member of the Krueppel C2H2-type
            zinc-finger protein family and encodes a zinc finger transcription
            factor that contains nine Kruppel-type zinc finger domains at the
            carboxyl terminus. This protein is located in the nucleus, is
            involved in cell cycle progression, and interacts with a histone
            deacetylase. Specific instances of aberrant gene rearrangement at
            this locus have been associated with acute promyelocytic leukemia
            (APL). Alternate transcriptional splice variants have been
            characterized. [provided by RefSeq, Jul 2008].
        1 mdltkmgmiq lqnpshptgl lckanqmrla gtlcdvvimv dsqefhahrt vlactskmfe
       61 ilfhrnsqhy tldflspktf qqileyayta tlqakaedld dllyaaeile ieyleeqclk
      121 mletiqasdd ndteatmadg gaeeeedrka rylknifisk hsseesgyas vagqslpgpm
      181 vdqspsvsts fglsamsptk aavdslmtig qsllqgtlqp pagpeeptla gggrhpgvae
      241 vktemmqvde vpsqdspgaa essisggmgd kveergkegp gtptrssvit sarelhygre
      301 esaeqvpppa eagqaptgrp ehpapppekh lgiysvlpnh kadavlsmps svtsglhvqp
      361 alavsmdfst yggllpqgfi qrelfsklge lavgmksesr tigeqcsvcg velpdneave
      421 qhrklhsgmk tygcelcgkr fldslrlrmh llahsagaka fvcdqcgaqf skedalethr
      481 qthtgtdmav fcllcgkrfq aqsalqqhme vhagvrsyic secnrtfpsh talkrhlrsh
      541 tgdhpyecef cgscfrdest lkshkrihtg ekpyecngcg kkfslkhqle thyrvhtgek
      601 pfecklchqr srdysamikh lrthngaspy qcticteycp slssmqkhmk ghkpeeippd
      661 wriektylyl cyv

  • Guimond and Gallo-PayetAngiotensin-AT2 receptor and neuronal physiology
    PLZF (11q28.2) ZBTB16 , ZNF145. 
    Association between the AT2 receptor and the promyelocytic leukemia zinc finger (PLZF)
     protein has been observed using a yeast two-hybrid system (Senbonmatsu et al., 2003). In CHO 
     cells expressing both PLZF and AT2 receptors, Ang II stimulation induces
     co-localization of PLZF with the AT2 receptor, followed by internalization of the complex.
     This observation is in contrast with other studies observing no internalization of
     the AT2receptor following Ang II stimulation (Hunyady et al., 1994;Hein et al., 1997).
     Since internalization of the receptor was observed only in cells expressing PLZF,
     this could represent a new regulatory pathway of AT2 receptor function, specific only
      to selected cell types. However, beside internalization of AT2 receptor, a recent study
     showed that PLZF  was implicated in neuroprotection in a stroke model (Seidelet al., 2011).
     In this study, the authors  showed that PLZF exerts neuroprotective effect in a model of in
     vitro glutamate toxicity.They also showed that overexpression of PLZF in neuronal cells 
    in culture induced a significant increase in AT2 receptor
     expression, suggesting that PLZF could also be implicated in the regulation of AT2receptor 

HERC2115q13), HECT ja RLD domaanin omaava E3 ubikitiiniligaasi 2. G-quadruplex

Official Symbol   HERC2
Official Full Name  HECT and RLD domain containing E3 ubiquitin protein ligase 2

Also known as  jdf2; p528; MRT38; SHEP1; D15F37S1
Summary  This gene belongs to the HERC gene family that encodes a group of unusually large proteins, which contain multiple structural domains. All members have at least 1 copy of an N-terminal region showing homology to the cell cycle regulator RCC1 and a C-terminal HECT (homologous to E6-AP C terminus) domain found in a number of E3 ubiquitin protein ligases. Genetic variations in this gene are associated with skin/hair/eye pigmentation variability. Multiple pseudogenes of this gene are located on chromosomes 15 and 16. [provided by RefSeq, Mar 2012]
Expression  Ubiquitous expression in brain (RPKM 8.9), ovary (RPKM 8.1) and 25 other tissues See more Orthologs mouse all
2018 Nov 15;78(22):6371-6385. doi: 10.1158/0008-5472.CAN-18-1877. Epub 2018 Oct 2.
HERC2 Facilitates BLM and WRN Helicase Complex Interaction with RPA to Suppress G-Quadruplex DNA.
BLM and WRN are RecQ DNA helicases  essential for genomic stability. Here, we demonstrate that HERC2, a HECT E3 ligase, is critical for their functions to suppress G-quadruplex (G4) DNA.
 HERC2 interacted with BLM, WRN, and replication protein A (RPA) complexes during the S-phase of the cell cycle. Depletion of HERC2 dissociated RPA from BLM and WRN complexes and significantly increased G4 formation. Triple depletion revealed that HERC2 has an epistatic relationship with BLM and WRN in their G4-suppressing function. In vitro, HERC2 released RPA onto single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) rather than anchoring onto RPA-coated ssDNA. CRISPR/Cas9-mediated deletion of the catalytic ubiquitin-binding site of HERC2 inhibited ubiquitination of RPA2, caused RPA accumulation in the helicase complexes, and increased G4, indicating an essential role for E3 activity in the suppression of G4. Both depletion of HERC2 and inactivation of E3 sensitized cells to the G4-interacting compounds telomestatin and pyridostatin. Overall, these results indicate that HERC2 is a master regulator of G4 suppression that affects the sensitivity of cells to G4 stabilizers. Given that HERC2 expression is frequently reduced in many types of cancers, G4 accumulation as a result of HERC2 deficiency may provide a therapeutic target for G4 stabilizers.Significance: HERC2 is revealed as a master regulator of G-quadruplex, a DNA secondary structure that triggers genomic instability and may serve as a potential molecular target in cancer therapy.Graphical Abstract: http://cancerres.aacrjournals.org/content/canres/78/22/6371/F1.large.jpg Cancer Res; 78(22); 6371-85. ©2018 AACR.

ZBTB3 (11q12.3)

2014 Jul;47(7):405-10.
Zinc finger and BTB domain-containing protein 3 is essential for the growth of cancer cells.
ZBTB3 belongs to the Zinc finger and BTB/POZ domain containing transcription factor family; however, its biological role has rarely been studied. We demonstrate for the first time, to our knowledge, that ZBTB3 is an essential factor for cancer cell growth via the regulation of the ROS detoxification pathway. Suppression of ZBTB3 using two different short hairpin RNAs in human melanoma, lung carcinoma, and breast carcinoma results in diminished cell growth. In addition, we found that suppression of ZBTB3 activates a caspase cascade, including caspase-9, -3, and PARP leading to cellular apoptosis, resulting from failed ROS detoxification. We identified that ZBTB3 plays an important role in the gene expression of ROS detoxification enzymes. Our results reveal that ZBTB3 may play a critical role in cancer cell growth via the ROS detoxification system. Therefore, therapeutic strategies that target ZBTB3 could be used in selective cancer treatments.
[Indexed for MEDLINE]
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