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lördag 10 november 2018

(2000) Alkoholin vaikutus musiineihin . Musiinia sitova proteiini MBP.

J 2000 Sep;51(3):433-47.

Impact of ethanol on innate protection of gastric mucosal epithelial surfaces and the risk of injury. Slomiany A1, Piotrowski E, Piotrowski J, Slomiany BL. Abstract

 (Suomennosta astaktista)
Aiemmat tutkimukset etanolin vaikutuksesta  gastrisen mucus -glykoproteiinin ( musiinin)  synteesiin ja posttranslationaaliseen glykosylaatioon paljastavat  kvantitatiivisia  muutoksia apoproteiinin koostumuksessa, glykosylaatiossa ja musiinin sitoutumisessa   mukosapintaan  (Alkoholismista 1998).

Tehtiin tutkimus koe-eläimillä  ja mitattiin   8- viikkoisen  etanolidieetin nauttimisen metabolisia seuraamuksia selvittäen,  olisiko in vivo tulokset  samanlaisia kuin in vitro -järjestelmästä saadut. Musiinin pidättymistä  limakalvopintaan  mitattiin kvantitatiivisesti  gastrista mukusta sitovan proteiinin (MBP) kiinnittymisestä  mahalaukun limakalvoon. Tuloksia verrattiin verrokkiin, jolla oli isokalorinen kontrollidieetti. Ennen alkoholin antoa ja kahden viikon välein etanolidieetin antamisesta kerättiin mahasisällöt ja musiini puhdistettiin.   Kahdeksan viikon kuluttua eläimet lopetettiin ja mahalaukkujen limakalvot otettiin MBP-preparaateiksi. Mitattiin  kvantitatiivisesti MBP:n entsyymiin linkityn lektiinin avulla sitoutuminen musiiniin ennen etanolia ja  2, 4, 6, ja 8 viikon  kuluttua  etanolidieetin alkamisesta.
  Standardimusiinitutkimuksesta selvisi, että  yksilöiden välillä on  kohtalaisesti individuaalisia eroja  musiinin sitoutumisessa MBP-proteiiniin.  Sama vaihtelevuus havaittiin  myös  näytteissä, jotka oli kerätty ennen koedieetin alkamista. Kuitenkin etanolidieetin  pitkittyessä  aluksi ilmenneen variabiliteetin ja yksilöistä johtuvien erojen lisäksi situtumisessa tapahtui  myös dramaattinen väheneminen. Viidessä koe-eläimessä  musiinin sitoutuminen MBP-proteiiniin väheni kahden viikon etanolidieetistä  50% ja yhdellä koe-eläimella  vähenemä oli 20% kuuden viikon ajana ja  viimeisessä näyteessä sitoutuminen oli vähentynyt 50%:iin.   Kahdella  koe-eläimellä kokeen lopussa oli  sitoutumiskapasiteetista jäljellä vain 6-9 % alkukapasiteetista.

Tulokset  yksittäisten eläinten musiinitutkimuksista ja MBP-preparaattien   verrokkikontrolli-valmisteista  osoittavat, että   joka eläin ilmentää  eri asteista musiinien sitoutumista. Lisäksi kroonisessa  etanolin käytössä yksilöeroihin  tulee lisänä  lasku musiinin sitoutumisessa MBP- proteiiniin. Koska havaittu siotutumisen alenema näyteissä ilmeni  näyteissä, jotka  sisälsivät  samaa MBP-preparaattia,  alkoholin vaikuttama komponentti  sijaitsi musiinilla.
Johtopäätöksenään tutkijat ovat sitä mieltä, että etanoli vaikuttaa MBP-proteiinin sitoutumiseen tarvittavaan   musiini-olikosakkaridistruktuurin synteesiin ja pysymiseen gastrisen  limakalvopinnalla He perustavat  johtopäätöksensä in vitro  tutkimuksista saatuun havaintoon etanolin vaikutuksesta  hiilihydraattiketjun kehkeytymiseen Golgin laitteessa  ja  löytöönsä   musiini-oligosakkarideista riippuvaan musiini-MBP-kompleksin muodostumiseen.
  • Earlier investigations on the effect of ethanol on synthesis and posttranlational glycosylation of gastric mucus glycoprotein (mucin) revealed quantitative changes in the apoprotein assembly, glycosylation, and mucin retention on the mucosal surface (Slomiany et al.., Alcoholism: Clin. Exp. Res. 21, 417-423, 1998).
  •  To assess whether metabolic consequences of ethanol ingestion, documented in the in vitro system are also occurring in vivo the rats were subjected to 8 weeks of ethanol containing liquid diet. The retention of mucin on the surface of gastric mucosa was quantitated by measuring the binding of gastric mucin to Mucin Binding Protein (MBP) of gastric mucosa. The results were compared with those obtained with the rats subjected to pair-feeding the isocaloric-control diet. Before alcohol administration, and in two weeks' intervals thereafter, the gastric contents from the animals was collected and mucin purified. After 8 weeks of the respective diet, the animals were sacrificed and their gastric mucosa used for MBP preparation. The binding of mucin to MBP before ethanol, and after 2, 4, 6, and 8 weeks of ethanol diet was quantitated with Enzyme Linked Lectin Assay (ELLA). 
  • The study with standard mucin revealed that binding of mucin to MBP differs substantially between individual animals. The same variability in binding was observed with the individual mucin preparations collected at the onset of the experiment. However, with the progression of ethanol feeding, the mucin samples besides displaying the variable and animal-specific binding to MBP at the initiation of the experiment, also showed a dramatic decrease in binding. In five animals, after two weeks of ethanol diet, mucin binding to MBP decreased by 50%; in two animals, the drastic decrease in binding was observed in mucin collected after four weeks of alcohol feeding; and in one animal a 20% decrease in binding persisted for six weeks, and then decreased to 50% in the last collection. Also, in two animals, the mucin collected after 8 weeks of ethanol feeding retained only 6-9% of the initial binding capacity. In contrast, in pair-fed controls, the mucin binding to MBP remained the same or increased up to 20%.
  •  Results of the studies, performed on mucin of the individual animals and matching preparations of MBP, showed that each animal expresses different degree of mucin binding. Moreover, in chronic ethanol ingestion, the individual variations are accompanied by a decrease in mucin binding to MBP. Since the observed decrease in binding occurred in samples containing the same preparation of MBP, the component affected by alcohol resides on mucin. Thus, considering the in vitro impact of ethanol on generation of carbohydrate chains in Golgi, and the finding on mucin oligosaccharides-dependent mucin-MBP complex formation, we conclude that ethanol impairs the synthesis of mucin oligosaccharide structures required for binding with MBP, and the retention on gastric mucosal surfaces.
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(Suomennos muistiin 10.11. 2018)
Mikä on MBP, gastrista musiinia sitova proteiini? 
Tästä tarkemmin:
 Thus, understanding how both acute and chronic alcohol exposure disrupt the homeostatic gastrointestinal tract is paramount. This article will review relevant studies examining the role of gut epithelia in defense against pathogenic bacteria within the gut and the impact of alcohol on intestinal immunity, highlighting T cells and neutrophils. Finally, it will review how the gut microbiome plays a role in maintenance of gut barrier integrity following alcohol exposure and trauma.

Intestinal Anatomy and Histology
To fully understand the intricate relationships among the gut barrier, immune system, and microbiome, gastrointestinal (GI) anatomy requires review. The spatial relationships established between the lumen and barrier of the gut are essential for the proper function of the GI tract in digestion and nutrient absorption. The GI tract is a continuous tube that begins at the mouth and ends at the anus. The small and large intestines function mainly to absorb nutrients and water, and this review will focus on these organs.
The small intestine is divided into three regions: the duodenum, jejunum, and ileum, respectively. At the distal end of the ileum lies the cecum, which connects the small and large intestines. From the cecum, the large intestine (colon) is composed of four regions: the ascending, transverse, descending and sigmoid colon, respectively, terminating in the rectum and anus. The small and large intestines are held in place to prevent twisting by the mesentery, which also contains the mesenteric lymph nodes (MLNs). As shown in figure 1, the small and large intestines at the histological level contain a barrier of mucous and epithelial cells that block the translocation of bacteria in the lumen to sites in the body beyond the intestines. Just below the intestinal epithelia lies a layer of loose connective tissue called the lamina propria (LP), which connects the surface mucosal epithelium to the basement muscularis mucosae. The LP also contains a large number of intestinal immune cells. In addition, specialized regions within the small intestine called Peyer’s patches (PPs) serve as lymphoid follicles, where naïve immune cells differentiate into a variety of mature immune cell subsets.

Overview of the intestinal barrier, immune cells, and microbiome. Lumenal bacteria (red and green) are relegated to the lumen of the intestine  

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