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tisdag 9 juli 2019

ZNF716, C2H2 sinkkiproteiini tekee jonkin interaktion CRIPT, CXXC- jaksoja sisältävän proteiinin kanssa

  • GenPept
  • ZNF716
Conserved Domains (6) summary
KRAB; krueppel associated box
COG5048; FOG: Zn-finger [General function prediction only]
ZF_C2H2; C2H2 Zn finger [structural motif]The C2H2 zinc finger is a classical zinc finger domain. C2H2-type zinc fingers are ubiquitous; more than 1% of all mammalian proteins are predicted to contain at least one zinc finger. They often function as DNA or protein binding structural motifs, such as in eukaryotic transcription factors, and therefore they play important roles in cellular processes such as development, differentiation, and oncosuppression. C2H2 zinc finger proteins contain from 1 to more than 30 zinc finger repeats.
KRAB; The KRAB domain (or Kruppel-associated box) is present in about a third of zinc finger proteins containing C2H2 fingers. The KRAB domain is found to be involved in protein-protein interactions. The KRAB domain is generally encoded by two exons. The regions coded by the two exons are known as KRAB-A and KRAB-B. The A box plays an important role in repression by binding to corepressors, while the B box is thought to enhance this repression brought about by the A box. KRAB-containing proteins are thought to have critical functions in cell proliferation and differentiation, apoptosis and neoplastic transformation.
zf-H2C2_2; Zinc-finger double domain
CpXC; CpXC protein
zinc finger protein 716 [Homo sapiens]
NCBI Reference Sequence: NP_001152751.1

LOCUS       NP_001152751             495 aa            linear   PRI 01-MAY-2019
DEFINITION  zinc finger protein 716 [Homo sapiens].
ACCESSION   NP_001152751 XP_001714706 XP_001714722 XP_001719254 XP_943217
VERSION     NP_001152751.1
DBSOURCE    REFSEQ: accession NM_001159279.1
KEYWORDS    RefSeq; RefSeq Select.
SOURCE      Homo sapiens (human)
  ORGANISM  Homo sapiens
            Eukaryota; Metazoa; Chordata; Craniata; Vertebrata; Euteleostomi;
            Mammalia; Eutheria; Euarchontoglires; Primates; Haplorrhini;
            Catarrhini; Hominidae; Homo.
REFERENCE   1  (residues 1 to 495)
  AUTHORS   Simino J, Sung YJ, Kume R, Schwander K and Rao DC.
  TITLE     Gene-alcohol interactions identify several novel blood pressure
            loci including a promising locus near SLC16A9
  JOURNAL   Front Genet 4, 277 (2013)
   PUBMED   24376456
  REMARK    Publication Status: Online-Only
COMMENT     VALIDATED REFSEQ: This record has undergone validation or
            preliminary review. The reference sequence was derived from
            AK131575.1 and AC092175.5.
            On or before Apr 14, 2009 this sequence version replaced
            XP_001714706.1, XP_001714722.1, XP_943217.3, XP_001719254.1.
            Sequence Note: This RefSeq record was created from transcript and
            genomic sequence data to make the sequence consistent with the
            reference genome assembly. The genomic coordinates used for the
            transcript record were based on transcript alignments.
            Transcript exon combination :: AK131575.1, DB064525.1 [ECO:0000332]
            RNAseq introns              :: single sample supports all introns
                                           SAMEA1968968, SAMEA2148874
            RefSeq Select criteria :: based on single protein-coding transcript
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     source          1..495
                     /organism="Homo sapiens"
     Protein         1..495
                     /product="zinc finger protein 716"
     Region          16..76
                     /note="krueppel associated box; smart00349"
     Region          16..55
                     /note="KRAB box; pfam01352"
     Region          160..179
                     /region_name="C2H2 Zn finger"
                     /note="C2H2 Zn finger [structural motif]"
     Region          187..207
                     /region_name="C2H2 Zn finger"
                     /note="C2H2 Zn finger [structural motif]"
     Site            order(187,190,203,207)
                     /note="Zn binding site [ion binding]"
     Region          211..>494
                     /note="FOG: Zn-finger [General function prediction only]"
     Region          215..235
                     /region_name="C2H2 Zn finger"
                     /note="C2H2 Zn finger [structural motif]"
     Site            order(215,218,231,235)
                     /note="Zn binding site [ion binding]"
     Region          228..251
                     /note="Zinc-finger double domain; pfam13465"
     Region          243..263
                     /region_name="C2H2 Zn finger"
                     /note="C2H2 Zn finger [structural motif]"
     Site            order(243,246,259,263)
                     /note="Zn binding site [ion binding]"
     Region          283..307
                     /note="Zinc-finger double domain; pfam13465"
     Region          298..318
                     /region_name="C2H2 Zn finger"
                     /note="C2H2 Zn finger [structural motif]"
     Site            order(298,301,314,318)
                     /note="Zn binding site [ion binding]"
     Site            order(303,305,307,309..310,313..314,317,331,333,337..338,
                     /note="putative nucleic acid binding site [nucleotide
     Region          311..334
                     /note="Zinc-finger double domain; pfam13465"
     Region          326..346
                     /region_name="C2H2 Zn finger"
                     /note="C2H2 Zn finger [structural motif]"
     Site            order(326,329,342,346)
                     /note="Zn binding site [ion binding]"
     Region          353..>398
                     /note="CpXC protein; pfam14353"
     Region          354..374
                     /region_name="C2H2 Zn finger"
                     /note="C2H2 Zn finger [structural motif]"
     Site            order(354,357,370,374)
                     /note="Zn binding site [ion binding]"
     Region          382..402
                     /region_name="C2H2 Zn finger"
                     /note="C2H2 Zn finger [structural motif]"
     Site            order(382,385,398,402)
                     /note="Zn binding site [ion binding]"
     Region          398..419
                     /note="Zinc-finger double domain; pfam13465"
     Region          410..430
                     /region_name="C2H2 Zn finger"
                     /note="C2H2 Zn finger [structural motif]"
     Site            order(410,413,426,430)
                     /note="Zn binding site [ion binding]"
     Region          423..446
                     /note="Zinc-finger double domain; pfam13465"
     Region          438..458
                     /region_name="C2H2 Zn finger"
                     /note="C2H2 Zn finger [structural motif]"
     Site            order(438,441,454,458)
                     /note="Zn binding site [ion binding]"
     Region          451..474
                     /note="Zinc-finger double domain; pfam13465"
     Region          466..486
                     /region_name="C2H2 Zn finger"
                     /note="C2H2 Zn finger [structural motif]"
     Site            order(466,469,482,486)
                     /note="Zn binding site [ion binding]"
     CDS             1..495
        1 makrpgppgs remglltfrd iaiefslaew qcldhaqqnl yrdvmlenyr nlvslgiavs
       61 kpdlitcleq nkepqnikrn emvakhpvtc shftqdlqse qgikdslqkv ilrrygkcgq
      121 edlqvkkcck svgecevhkg gynyvnqcls atqnktfqth kcvkvfgkfs nsnrhktrht
      181 gkkhfkcknd gksfcmlsrl nqhqiihtre ksykceecgk sfncsstltr hkrihtgekp
      241 yrceecgkaf swsasltkhk rihtgekpyt ceergkvfsr stltnykrih tgekpytcee
      301 cgkafsrsst ltnhkrihtg erpykceecg kafslsstlk khkivhtgek lytceecgka
      361 ftfsstlnth krihtgekpy tceecgkafs lpstftyhkr thtgekpykc eecgkafncs
      421 stlkkhkiih tgeklykcke cgkaftfsst lnthkrihtg ekpykceecd qtfkwhssla
      481 nhknmhtgek pykye

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