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måndag 25 juni 2018

UBE2 geeneistä linkkejä. Koostetta synonyymeistä.

    Tämä lähde antaa näistä viime vuosikymmeninä löydetyistä UBE2  entsyymeistä uutistietoja linkissä PubMed. Tämän ryhmän molekyylit ovat aktiivin tutkimuksen ja varsinkin funktionaalisen kartoituksen kohteita ennen kuin  tieteen taholla voidaan päättää, voiko niistä löytää terapeuttisia strategiateitä. Niiden normaalia toimintaa selvitellään ja niiden ilmenemää ja korrelaatiota eri taudeissa tutkitaan. 
    Ubikitiinia Ub aktivoi pari  E1-entsyymiä, nämä UB- E2 entsyymit  siirtävät ja konjugoivat aktivoitua ubikitiiniä ja noin 600 E3- ubikitiiniligaasia taas voi valita mihin subtraattiin ubikitiiniasetetaan , 
     Monellä UBE2 entyymillä voi olla jokin aivan määrätty E3-ligaasi, jonka kanssa se tekee yhteistyötä. Jokin UBE2 -entsyymi voi käyttää hyvin monia E3-ligaaseja työtoverina. Joskus esiintyy myös monen UBE2 ja E3 entsyymin komplekseja E2/E3 hybridiä..Tämä on hyvin monipuolinen järjstelmä ja huolehtii mm. genomin kunnosta, DNA:n korjauksesta. Proteosomaalinen koneisto on hyvin mielenkiintoinen asia.
    Sen tekijöitä voi löytyä lisääkin. Tekijöiden monipuolisuuden tarve johtuu siitäkin että  ne käsittelevät ubikitiinimolekyyliä ja ketjuja  aivan spesifisesti, ketjut ovat  monoubikitiinistä   lähtien  eri pituisia, esim. oligoubikitiineja ja polyubikitiinejä.  Myös ubikitiinin kaltaisia (Ubl) molekyylejä siirtää muutamat UBE2- entyymit ( neddylaatio, sumoylaatio).
    Tässä oleva kooste voi sisältää virheitä, joten jokainen linkki taas puhukoon puolestaan. Olen päivittämässä tätä.
UBE2A, (Xq24)
    Ubc2, Rad6, Rad6a_(E2 ubiquitin conjugase in DNA repair) This enzyme is required for post-replicative DNA damage repair, and may play a role in transcriptional regulation.
    RAD6, an E2 ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme, a key node for determining different DNA damage repair pathways, controlling both the error-prone and the error-free DNA damage repair pathways through differential regulation of the ubiquitination of the proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) protein. RAD6 promotes proteasome activity and nuclear translocation-
UBE2B, (5q31.1).
    HR6B, HHR6B, UBC2, Ubc2, E2-17kDa, RAD6B, Rad6, Rad6B.
    This gene encodes a member of the E2 ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme family. This enzyme is required for post-replicative DNA damage repair. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/gene/7320
UBE2C, (20q13.12).
    UBCH10 ,UbcH10. (Chain initiating E2 of APC/C ; transfers the first Ub to APC/C substrates),an anaphase-promoting complex/cyclosome (APC/C)-specific ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme,
    Required for destruction of mitotic cyclins and for cell cycle progression, may be involved in many cancer types . https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/gene/11065
    (E3 independent) E2 ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme C ; cyclin-selective ubiquitin carrier protein; mitotic-specific ubiquitin-conjugating enzymeubiquitin conjugating enzyme E2Cubiquitin-protein ligase C
UBE2D1, (10q21.1).
    E2(17) KB1, STF (stimulation of iron transport), Ubc4/5, UbcH5A,UBCH5. (Promiscuous lysine- and cysteine reactive E2 ubiquitin conjugases)
UBE2D2, (5q31.2).
    E2(17)KB2, PUBC1, UBC4, UBCH4, Ubc4/5, UbcH5B.
    Dopamine transporter DAT regulation https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20051513
UBE2D3, (4q24).
    E2(17)KB3, Ubc4/5, UbcH5C. Role in p53 ubiquitylation by E3.
    Hijacked by Gramnegative bacterial E3 ligases. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20133640/
    ATRA/APL/UBEH5C/CyclinD1 degradation https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17420285/
    DNA repair E2s and E3s; with RNF 138. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26502057

UBE2D4, (7p13).
    HBUCE1, Ubc4/5, UbcH5D.
    TF Tissue factor and oligoubiquitylation. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/27599717/
    TRIM dimer requires E2 ubiquitylation .https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/28681414/
UBE2E1, (3p24.2).
    ( Non ubiquitylating E2 by virtue of their N-terminal extensions. Prognostic to AML.
UBE2E2, (3p24.3) .
    Risk allele in DM .Gene affect adipocyte biology.https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/27918534

UBE2E3, (2q31.3).
    UbcH9, UbcM2._ ( Intrinsic ability to build up polyubiquitin chains is inhibited by Ub binding on its backside).
    UBE2E3 is essential for the proliferation of RPE-1 cells and is downregulated during RPE layer maturation in the developing mouse eye. These findings indicate that UBE2E3 is a major enzyme in modulating the balance between RPE cell proliferation and differentiation.
UBE2F, (2q37.2).
    NCE1, UBE2F . _ (Neddylation)
    Ubc7, Ubc2G.UBE7, UBC2G, E217K
    K48-chain building enzyme even in the absence of E3)

UBE2G2, (21q22.3).
    (K48-chain building in dependance of an E3. E2 involved in the ERAD pathway)
UBE2H (7q32.2).
    Ubc8, UBCH, GID3, UbcH2, E2-20K
    (E2 involved in the ERAD pathway).

UBE2I, (16p13.3).
    Best characterized E2, that transfers Ub or Ubl directly to target residue.
    Ubc9, UBC9, P18, C358B7.1 _(SUMO E2).
UBE2J1, (6q15).
    Ubc6 , UBC6E, Ubc6p, CGI-76,
    NCUBE1, NCUBE-1, HSPC153, HSPC205, HSU93243. (E2 involved in the ERAD pathway)
    https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21245296 Misfolded MHC-I is substrat of HRD1 and UBE2J1 for degradation.
UBE2J2, (1p36.33).
    Ubc6, NCUBE2, NCUBE-2, PRO2121.
    (E2 with hydroxyl specifity: ser/thr) Essential in degradation of lysine less structures.
UBE2K, (4p14).
    Ubc1, E2-25K , LIQ, HIP2, HYPG, UBC1.
    (K48-ub- building enzyme, even in the absence of E3)
    Can ubiquitinate huntingtin and has a role in aggregate formation of expanded polyQ diseases. Substrates p53, cFOS, NF-kB precursor p105.
UBE2L3, (22q11.21).
    UbeH7, UbeM4_ (Cysteine-only-reactive E2
    E2-F1, UBC, UBCH7, L-UBC, Ube2L3.
    Substrates p53. C-FOS, NF-kB precursor p105.
    Hashimoto thyroiditis.Autoimmune thyroiditis. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/27094594/

UBE2L6 , (11q12.1).
    UBCH8, RIG-B, Ube2L6._ Bispecific E2 for ISG 15 and Ubiquitin. http://www.uniprot.org/uniprot/O14933
UBE2M, (19q13.43).
    Ubc12, hUbc12, UBC-RS2. ( Neddylation) Encoded protein linked with NEDD8, which can be conjugated to cellular proteins, such as Cdc53/culin. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/gene/9040

UBE2N, (12q22).
    UBE13, UBC13, UbcH-ben, HEL-S-71, UBCHBEN
    E2 collaborating with proteins of UBE2V family to build K63-Ub-chain).
    Neuroblastoma and UBE2N- inhibitor strategia https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24556694

UBE2NL, (Xq27.3).
    Ubc E2N-like.
    Li174, Epididymis tissue protein Li174.
    (No catalytic cystein)
    Cancer cell progressing.

UBE2O, (17q25.1).
    E2-230K. Large multidomain E2/E3 hybrid.
UBE2Q1, (1q21.3).
    Associated with some cancers.
UBE2Q2, (15q24.2)
    Normally function to antagonize early mitotic checkpoint.
    Pediatric ALL.
UBE2QL (?)

UBE2R1, (19p13.3).
    CDC34, Cdc34, UbcH3.E2CDC34- _ (K48 Ub-chain building enzym and cognate E2 for SCP E3-ligases that target proteins to proteosome. A highly specific chain builder.) This protein is a part of the large multiprotein complex, which is required for ubiquitin-mediated degradation of cell cycle G1 regulators, and for the initiation of DNA replication.
UBE2R2, (19p13.3).
    Cdc34B, Ubc H3, E2-CDC34B. A highly specific chain builder. K48 Ub chain building enzyme. CK2 dependent phosphorylating of this E2 conjugase .
UBE2S, (19q13.42).
    EPF5, E2EPF, E2-EPF _ (K11Ubiquitin chain building enzyme. Hallmark of APC/C mediated proteosomal degradation.A highly specific chain builder) (19q13.42)
UBE2T, (1q32.1).
    PIG50 (Cell proliferation Inducing gene 59 protein) , HSPC150.FANCT,
    (E2 of the Fanconi Anemia DNA damage pathway specific for FANCL).
    https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/gene/29089. Associated in gastric ca, nasopharyngeal ca, HCC, osteosarcoma.
UBE2U, (1p31.3).
    Cognate E3 ligase RNF17. Regulation of radiosensitivity, DNA DSB repair after radioactive damage.
UBE2V1, (20q13.15).
    Uev1, Ube2V, UcvA, CIR1. CROC1, UBE2V._ (Catalytically inactive E2-like proteins interacting with UBE2N for K63 chain formation). Preferred names: ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2 variant 1 DNA-binding protein, TRAF6-regulated IKK activator 1 beta Uev1A .
    https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/gene/7335 ( 20q13.15). Located in nucleus, can cause transcriptional activation of FOS protooncogene.
UBE2V2, (8q11.21)
    Mms2, Uev2.EDPF1, DDVI1, EDAF-1.
    https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/gene/7336 (8q11.21), D3 -inducible 1, Enterocyte differentiation promoting factor 1, Enterocyte differentiation associated factor 1. Methyl Methane Sulfonate sensitive 2; DDVIT1, Vit. D3 inducible protein, EDPF1, Enterocyte differentiation promoting factor 1; EDAF-1, Enterocyte associating factor 1. (Vit.D3 modulate monocyte differentiation).
UBE2W, (8q21.11).
    Ubc16, UBC-16. _
    (Specificity for N-terminal Aminogroup. Unusual intrinsic E2 reactivity. Substrate difference from all other characterized E2s. Role in innate immunity.). https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/gene/55284 (8q21.11) Expression brain, thyreoidea + 25 other tissues. Nuclear E2 ligase. Trim5 alpha requires UBE2W to anchor Lys63 ub chains and restrict reverse transrciption).
UBE2Z, (17q21.32).
    USE1, HOYS.
    _(Bispecific E2 for FAT10 and ubiquitin).
    https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/gene/65264 (17q21.32) (UBA6 specific E2 enzyme 1= USE1)
ATG10, (5q14.1-14.2).
    APGL10L. (ATG12 specific E2).
    Autophagy related gene 10. (5q14.1-14.2) https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/gene/83734
    APG3, APG3-Like _ (ATG8 lipidation specific E2).
    Autophagy Related Gene 3 (3q13.2).
BIRC6, (2p22.3).
    Bruce, Apollon _(giant multidomain E2/E3 hybrid); Inhibits apoptosis by facilitating the degradation of apoptotic proteins by ubiquitination.

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