- Preferred Names
- kelch domain-containing protein 7B
- NM_138433.5 → NP_612442.3 kelch domain-containing protein 7B
ORIGIN 1 miqgtlepdg plwgwdwdsd ndwdsavlal lalavvaata lalhwfgsgh dqeaaepvst 61 algaqphqag gaelalqpks kvsdgsegqs pgqgkpeppg rgqqspvpaa apggglaama 121 rlplktavee arrealgqqr gsatpaapra egkepprpgt allgrseagg msapllihft 181 prspgseaea etggvrassr qaagpagqqd tgpwqagagp sgsmgrgrgr rrrmdagsgd 241 rarrprkldp lrlgaagsvw davdgaaald aharglptgp plaqepalpa lpapralqpg 301 sqtegsgakg gwsreasgvp apgggwpwvs revpgtrsfg papdstrpwl esppqgrpls 361 sqgpgatgay dageagadss rdnspaadlg ptrppeqakp aaaghsraps rsreprprsa 421 sppaapgpgf ppealtlpsp sdflplevtq dpsvgenlra apapssasaq vltsapasvl 481 apalasspss aptsattsts sptsapapap tsaptstpap apspaaaatp apapvpvptl 541 tppspaltpv ptpalspapt paltpaaspa ltpvptpals paptpaptpa aspapaptsa 601 ptptpaaspa padgskpqes valprryqeg qvsaswgnli amvlrshpfp rqdrpqgsvp 661 ravpgspvgp ststhsedrh gpsssvgtvi gtgtgglvea ggqpqprsse tngspspdpp 721 pglrgegtre ksldplpqaa mprgpaqppa qrppgpaass sarrsqpvpq lrkrsrceia 781 psseqevrpa asgdpqgeap geggspagrs galtekqeea rklmvflqrp ggwgvvegpr 841 kpssralepa taaalrrrld lgscldvlaf aqqhgepgla qetyalmsdn llrvlgdpcl 901 yrrlsaadre rilslrtgrg ravlgvlvlp slyqggrsgl prgprgeepp aaapvslplp 961 ahlhvfnpre ntwrpltqvp eeaplrgcgl ctmhnylfla ggirgsgaka vcsnevfcyn 1021 pltniwsqvr pmqqaraqlk lvaldgllya iggeclysme cydprtdawt praplpagtf 1081 pvaheavacr gdiyvtgghl fyrllryspv kdawdecpys ashrrssdiv alggflyrfd 1141 llrgvgaavm ryntvtgsws raaslplpap aplhcttlgn tiyclnpqvt atftvsggta 1201 qfqakelqpf plgstgvlsp filtlppedr lqtsl //
- Conserved Domains (3) summary
- sd00038
Location:986 → 1032 - Kelch; KELCH repeat [structural motif]
- cl26464
Location:52 → 421 - Atrophin-1; Atrophin-1 family
Atrophin-1 familyAtrophin-1 is the protein product of the dentatorubral-pallidoluysian atrophy (DRPLA) gene. DRPLA OMIM:125370 is a progressive neurodegenerative disorder. It is caused by the expansion of a CAG repeat in the DRPLA gene on chromosome 12p. This results in an extended polyglutamine region in atrophin-1, that is thought to confer toxicity to the protein, possibly through altering its interactions with other proteins. The expansion of a CAG repeat is also the underlying defect in six other neurodegenerative disorders, including Huntington's disease. One interaction of expanded polyglutamine repeats that is thought to be pathogenic is that with the short glutamine repeat in the transcriptional coactivator CREB binding protein, CBP. This interaction draws CBP away from its usual nuclear location to the expanded polyglutamine repeat protein aggregates that are characteristic of the polyglutamine neurodegenerative disorders. This interferes with CBP-mediated transcription and causes cytotoxicity.
- cl28614
Location:966 → 1138 - BTB; Broad-Complex, Tramtrack and Bric a brac
- sd00038
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måndag 28 oktober 2019
KLHDC7B (22q13.33) (Koko: 1235 aa peptidi( Polyglutamiinijaksoja, runsas proliinipitoisuus , atrofiini-1 domeeni
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/gene/113730 ( Tämä Kelch-proteiini voi vaikuttaa CREB:iin , transkriptionaalisen koaktivaattoriin sitoutuvan CBP:n (creb binding protein) pois vatäytymisstä tumasta atrofiini-1 domeenin kautta ja se taas aiheuttaa että glukoneogeneesi voi päästä alkamaan. Luulisi että tuumorissa sellainen olisi edullista syövän energia-aineenvaihdunnalle. Neuronedegeneratiivisissa taudeissa POLYGLUTAMIINITAUDEISSA, on tätä mekanimsia atrofiini-1 domeenista.
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