- Kuopiolainen projekti, keskittyi selvittämään matkapuhelimien vaikuttaman säteilyn ominaisuuksia. Tutkimus alkoi 1994 ja siitä on alkuvaiheen tekstistä saatavissa yhteenvetoa 1998 ajalta. https://www.vtt.fi/inf/julkaisut/muut/1990s/tte9701.pdf
- STUK julkaisi 2006 informoivan kirjan SÄHKÖMAGNEETTISET KENTÄT (toimittajat Heidi Nykänen ja Kari Jokela, joten jokainen kynnelle kykenevä suomalainen kyllä pääsee asiasta jyvälle hyvällä äidinkielellä. Kirja on kohtuuhintainen ja sitä saa STUK:ista postitse.
- Netissä näkyy olevan saatavissa myös tuoretta tilannekatsausta suomalaiselta teknologian professorilta ja ihan Tampereelta.
Viimeisin raportti on viime kesältä englanniksi:SItaatti:
summer, the annual joint meeting of the Bioelectromagnetics Society
(BEMS) and the European Bioelectromagnetics Association (EBEA) was held
June 24-29 in Piran, Slovenia. At this BioEM2018 conference, ICNIRP
(International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection)
presented the draft of its new guidelines for the frequency range from
100 kHz to 300 GHz. The guidelines for extremely low-frequency fields
remain unchanged for now.
As noted in earlier bulletins, the Finnish radiation legislation is currently being revised. For the time being, the new radiation act and the decree on non-ionizing radiation are still underway.
Again, I have found new scientific publications of interest for this bulletin. This time, some of the topics are a bit different than what has been dealt with before. I also included a paper on honey bees for a change, while the main focus will continue to be on human research.
The current bulletin starts more traditionally, with papers on childhood leukemia.
One interesting paper is the Finnish pilot study on maternal exposure to intermediate frequency (IF) magnetic fields from electronic article surveillance systems and potential reproductive outcomes.
Once again, the bulletin concludes with two papers on occupational exposure.
Hope you enjoy reading this summary in English!
As noted in earlier bulletins, the Finnish radiation legislation is currently being revised. For the time being, the new radiation act and the decree on non-ionizing radiation are still underway.
Again, I have found new scientific publications of interest for this bulletin. This time, some of the topics are a bit different than what has been dealt with before. I also included a paper on honey bees for a change, while the main focus will continue to be on human research.
The current bulletin starts more traditionally, with papers on childhood leukemia.
One interesting paper is the Finnish pilot study on maternal exposure to intermediate frequency (IF) magnetic fields from electronic article surveillance systems and potential reproductive outcomes.
Once again, the bulletin concludes with two papers on occupational exposure.
Hope you enjoy reading this summary in English!
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