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onsdag 19 april 2017

Terahertsisäteilyn kliiniset, biologiset vaikutukset? Katsokaapas tätä!

The study of terahertz radiation biologic effects as premise for creating of diagnostic and treatment methods

The report emphasizes the importance of the study of terahertz radiation biological effects as another direction in the creation of diagnostic and therapeutic methods, along with terahertz imaging and terahertz spectroscopy. Therapeutic and diagnostic use of laser terahertz radiation based on the results of pre-conducted fundamental research of biological effects of terahertz radiation at the organismic, cellular and molecular levels presents.
Date of Conference: 27 June-1 July 2016

I. Treatment

The investigation of terahertz effects on organism level lets to use the terahertz radiation as treatment factor. It was demonstrated the dose-dependent influence of terahertz radiation on rat spleen cell production of antibodies to sheep red blood cells and on migration ability of B-lymphocytes in antigen presence.
 In addition it was demonstrated the dose-dependent influence of THz radiation on stage of bone regeneration (*) in rats with experimental defect of femur. These results allowed to use the gas-discharge HCN laser (0,89 THz) for treatment traumatic and degenerative disorders in bone (*) and cartilage tissues.
 Treatment of rats with experimental mechanical damage to the skin demonstrates the decrease in wound area (*).
Terahertz irradiation of patients with postoperative and post-traumatic mechanical skin lesions demonstrates the next results of treatment: the acceleration of wound healing (*), the prevention of post-operative and posttraumatic suppuration of wound (*)s, the increase in contraction of wound surface (*),    and optimization of cellular composition of wound exudate (*).
 Terahertz irradiation of volunteers with spinal osteochondrosis induces positive dynamics of metabolism indices in the cartilage (normalization of chondroitin sulfate and glycosaminoglycans(*)  . Experimental treatment of grafted Guerin carcinoma by terahertz radiation demonstrates the reduction of tumor growth.. Degree of tumor growth reduction after terahertz treatment and x-rays treatment are identical.
Read document 
19.4. 2017  

Minulle ainakin uusi teito että on löytynyt  tällainen biologisesti parantava stäeilyalue ( kaukoinfranpunan ja radioaaltojen välissä oleva alimillimetrialue, joka on erittäin korkeafrekvenssistä säteilyä- tgerahertsejä),  jonka parantavuus ei  tuhoa   solukkoa  siten kuin  röntgen  ja toimii varsinaisesti  lähioptisella alueella vaikka ei  selviä ilman läpi kulkemisesta  kuten    varsinaisoptinen . Terahertsit vaikuttavat  kuin  esim " Cerament ja antibioottikombinaatio", jos tuo teksti (*) pitää paikkansa. 
Pitääpä pitää  mielessä tämän alueen sovellutukset  lääketieteenkin  kannalta.

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