J.L. Workman ( Ed.) Protein Complexes that Modify Chromatin
. Kirja oli painettu vuonna 2003, joten siihen asti mahdollisia asioita oli katsahdettu. Kirjan sisältö selvittänee parhaiten mitä proteiineja asiaan kuuluu: otan alusta otsikoita tähän:
(1) T. Ito. NUCLEOSOME Assembly and remodeling
( Structure, Histone deposition, Stepwise core histone transfer on to supercoiled plasmid DNA, ATP-dependent assembly of periodic nucleosome arrays in vitro, Nucleosome is mobilized in vitro, Kinetics of chromatin assembly in vitro, Visualization of nucleosome particle formation; ATP-dependent nucleosome remodeling, Core histone acetylation and chromatin fluidity; Fine tuning of chromatin assembly and remodeling.(2) J.A. Sharp, P.D. Kaufman. CHROMATIN PROTEINS are determinants of CENTROMERIC function.
(Centromeric structure, sequence elements , Centromeric Repeats in higher eucaryots, Chromatin deposition and Centromeric function, Conserved heterochromatin proteins at centromeres in higher eukaryocytes, marking pericentric nucleosomes: Histone H3 lysine methylation and the propagation oc centromeric heterochromatin, Factors Downstream of HP1 Heterochromatin association; recruitment of COHESIN to CENTROMERES, HP1 and large subunit of CAF-1(Chromatin assembly factor 1) , Assembly of KINETOCHORE: The formation of the NUCLEOSOMES.; Containing an H3 isoform at CENTROMERIC CHROMATIN.(3) R.Kellum. HP1-complexes and heterchromatin assembly
Heterochromatin, definition: condensed, transcriptionally highly inert; gene silencing properties. , late repliocating.( Euchromatin is decondensed and activ.)
Heterochromatin Protein 1= HP1. Heterochromatin assembly. Histone binding. Cooperative self-association.,
HP1- interacting proteins. .
TIF1 (Transcriptional reculation by NR),
SP100 (Nuclear body protein; transcriptional regulation) ,
ATRX ( chromatin remodeling),
HP1 and nuclear architecture, LBR (Nuclear envelope protein Lamin B Receptor) , INCENP (chromosome passanger inner centromere protein),
Cohesin ( sister chromatid adhesion during metaphase) ,
Ku70 ( telomere maintenance protein) , Heterochromatin maintenance, functions.
(4) K.Yokomori. SMC protein complex and the maintenance of chromosome integrity.
SMC (Structural Maintenance of Chromosomes) -protein structure, Major SMC-containig complexes in eukaryocytes Condensin and Cohesin.ATPase activity of SMC-complexes. Role of Cohesin in sister chromatid cohesion, Spindle organization and DNA repair. Cohesion in S phase. Role of cohesin in KINETOCHORE function; Effects of Cohesin bipolar attachment of spindles to kinetochores, Cohesin at spindle poles. Cohesin binding to nuclear matrix. Cohesin function in DNA damage repair.
Condensin is required in mitotic and interphase chromatin organization. Regulation of condensin during Cell Cycle. .Nuclear condensin foci in reinitiation of condensation. Mechanism of chromosome targeting of condensin. Direct binding to chromatin, Mitotic chromosome targeting of condensin; Interphase condensing binding to chromatin
(5) K.R. Katsani , T. Mahmoudi, C.P. Verrijzer. Selective gene regulation by WSI/SNF related Chromatin remodeling factors
Families of ATP-dependent chromatin remodeling factors
Function of remodeles during gene regulation
Mechanism of transcriptional activation of remodelers
Global chromatin scanning by remodelers
Activator mediated recruitment of remodelers
Chromatin remodeling versus transcriptional activation
The order of events during gene activation
Functional specialization among remodelers
Chromatin remodeling in development
Polycomb group and Trithorax group proteins maintain patterns of gene expression during development
Sequence specific DNA-binding proteins recruit remodelers to regulate developmental gene expression
Role of gene remodelers in the control of cell differentiation
SWI/SNF complexes play an essential role during early mammalian development
(Chromatine structure underlies many so-called epigenetic phenomena leading to mitotically stable propagation of differential expression of genetic information)( Epigenetic memory)
(6) W.Wang: The SWI/SNF family of ATP-dependent chromatin remodelers: Similar mechanims för diverse functions...
Nämä asiat ovat kirjan sivuilla 1- 169. kirjassa on 300 s.