Tekniikka ja talouslehti kuvaa uutta onkologian alan väitöskirjaa.
FM Sofia Aakko tunnisti Turun yliopistossa tarkastettavassa
väitöskirjassaan mikroRNA-molekyylejä, jotka säätelevät solujen
jakautumista ja ennustavat kasvainten herkkyyttä taksaani-lääkeaineille.
Tämän havainnon avulla voitaisiin tulevaisuudessa valita oikea syövän
Aakko havaitsi kahden tunnistetun mikroRNA-molekyylin,
tasojen muuttuneen merkittävästi aggressiivisissa rinta-
ja munasarjasyöpäkasvaimissa normaaleihin kudoksiin verrattuna.
Aakon tutkimuksen tulokset osoittavat tiettyjen mikroRNA-molekyylien osallistuvan syöpäsolujen jakautumisen säätelyyn.
Taksaani-lääkeaine tappaa syöpäsoluja estämällä niiden normaalin
jakautumisen. Väitöstutkimuksessa tunnistetun mikroRNA-molekyylin,
havaittiin lisäävän syöpäsolujen kuolemaa taksaanihoidon
yhteydessä vaikuttamalla solukuolemaa estävän proteiinin ilmentymiseen
Aakko myös havaitsi kyseisen mikroRNA:n määrän olevan
korkea niiden rinta- ja munasarjasyöpäpotilaiden kasvaimissa, joiden
hoitovaste oli hyvä.
Leta i den här bloggen

fredag 17 november 2017
onsdag 8 november 2017
Geenitekniikka ja epidermolysis bullosa. Toimiva ihosiirrännäinen luotu.
Reimer A, Schwieger-Briel A, He Y, Leppert J, Schauer F, Kiritsi D, Schneider H, Ott H, Bruckner-Tuderman L, Has C.
Br J Dermatol. 2017 Oct 27. doi: 10.1111/bjd.16088. [Epub ahead of print]
Junctional epidermolysis bullosa
(JEB) comprises rare autosomal recessive disorders with a broad
spectrum of clinical features and severity. The genetic basis involves
mutations in genes
encoding proteins of the dermal-epidermal junction, primarily laminin
332. This heterotrimeric glycoprotein consists of laminin α3, β3 and γ2
chains, and the majority of mutations in the respective genes (LAMA3, LAMB3, and LAMC2) lead to premature termination codons resulting in severe generalized JEB (previously Herlitz)1 . This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved
Loss of interaction between plectin and type XVII collagen results in epidermolysis bullosa simplex.
Natsuga K, Nishie W, Nishimura M, Shinkuma S, Watanabe M, Izumi K, Nakamura H, Hirako Y, Shimizu H.
Hum Mutat. 2017 Dec;38(12):1666-1670. doi: 10.1002/humu.23344. Epub 2017 Oct 6.
Plectin is a linker protein that interacts with intermediate filaments
and β4 integrin in hemidesmosomes of the epidermal basement membrane
zone (BMZ). Type XVII collagen (COL17) has been suggested as another
candidate plectin binding partner in hemidesmosomes.
Here, we
demonstrate that plectin-COL17 binding helps to maintain epidermal BMZ
organization. We identified an epidermolysis bullosa
(EB) simplex patient as having markedly diminished expression of
plectin and COL17 in skin. The patient is compound heterozygous for
sequence variants in the plectin gene
(PLEC); one is a truncation and the other is a small in-frame deletion
sequence variant. The in-frame deletion is located in the putative
COL17-binding domain of plectin and abolishes the plectin-COL17
interaction in vitro. These results imply that disrupted interaction
between plectin and COL17 is involved in the development of EB. Our
study suggests that protein-protein binding defects may underlie EB in
patients with unidentified disease-causing sequence variants.
N, Hauenschild E, Maass S, Kalies KU, Klinger M, Barra M, Hecht L,
Helbig F, Soellner S, Caldwell CC, Ludwig RJ, Westermann J, Kalies K.
Exp Dermatol. 2017 Sep 23. doi: 10.1111/exd.13450. [Epub ahead of print]
Previous reports have demonstrated that cell-derived nanoparticles
(CDNPs) composed of bovine or porcine protein complexes exerted
therapeutic effects against viral infections and cancer in mice and
humans. Based on these observations, we asked whether CDNPs would
improve inflammatory skin disorders. To address this, we utilized two
distinct mouse models of cutaneous inflammation: the autoimmune
skin-blistering disease epidermolysis bullosa
acquisita (EBA) as an example of an autoantibody-induced cutaneous
inflammation, and Leishmania major (L. major) infection as an example of
a pathogen-induced cutaneous inflammation. In both models, we observed
that CDNPs increased mRNA expression of the Th2 cytokine IL-4.
Clinically, CDNPs decreased inflammation due to EBA and increased
L. major-specific IgG1 levels without major effects on infected skin
lesions. In addition, CDNPs supported the growth of keratinocytes in
human skin cultures. In vitro studies revealed that CDNPs were taken up
predominantly by macrophages, leading to a shift towards the expression
of anti-inflammatory cytokine genes.
Altogether, our data demonstrate that treatment with porcine CDNPs may
be a new therapeutic option for the control of autoimmune-mediated
inflammatory skin disorders.
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MJ, Tolar J.
Lab Invest. 2017 Oct;97(10):1218-1224. doi: 10.1038/labinvest.2017.85. Epub 2017 Sep 11.
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DNA tekniikka ja epidermolysis bullosa
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