Front Chem. 2019 Oct 22;7:710. doi: 10.3389/fchem.2019.00710. eCollection 2019.
Mucins and Pathogenic Mucin-Like Molecules Are Immunomodulators During Infection and Targets for Diagnostics and Vaccines.
- 1
- Department of Biomolecular Systems, Max Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces, Potsdam, Germany.
- 2
- Department of Biology, Chemistry and Pharmacy, Freie Universität Berlin, Berlin, Germany.
- Abstract
Suomennosta abstraktista 12.12. 2019: " Musiinit ja musiinin kaltaiset molekyylit ovat vahvasti O-glykosyloituneita proteiineja,joita on solupinnalla imettäväisissä ja muissa organismeissa. Nämä glykoproteiinit ovat erittäin eriäviä toisistaan apoproteiininsa ja glykaaninsa suhteen ja niillä on keskeistä osaa monissa biologisissa prosesseissa ja taudeissa. Mukus-limassa musiinit musiinit ovat kaikkein runsaimmat makromolekyylit ja vastaavat mukus-liman biokemiallisista ja biofysikaalisista ominaisuuksista. Musiininkaltaiset molekyylit päällystävät erilaisia protozooa-parasiitteja, sieniä ja viruksia. Ihmisillä musiinin glykosylaatiossa tapahtuvat modifioitumiset assosioituvat epiteelikudoksen tuumoreihin. Musiinit ja patogeeneistä peräisin olevat musiinien kaltaiset molekyylit saattavat olla diagnostisia merkitsijöitä ja terapeuttisten vaikuttavien aineiden kohteita. Tässä katsauksessa tiedemiehet tekevät yhteenvetoa ihmisen musiinien jakaantumisesta kehossa, niiden rakenteesta, immunodolulaattoriluonteesta ja korrelaatiosta tauteihin; he suorittavat vertailevan analyysin musiineista ja musiininkaltaisista molekyyleistä, joita ihmispatogeenit ilmentävät. Lisäksi he tekevät katsauksen metodeista, joilla tuotetaan patogeenisia musiininkaltaisia molekyylejä käyttämällä kemiallisia synteesi- ja ilmentämissysteemeitä. Lopuksi he esittävät musiininkaltaisten molekyylien käyttösovelluksen relevanttien ihmistautien diagnosoimiseen ja preventioon.
Mucins and mucin-like molecules are highly O-glycosylated proteins present on the cell surface of mammals and other organisms. These glycoproteins are highly diverse in the apoprotein and glycan cores and play a central role in many biological processes and diseases. Mucins are the most abundant macromolecules in mucus and are responsible for its biochemical and biophysical properties. Mucin-like molecules cover various protozoan parasites, fungi and viruses. In humans, modifications in mucin glycosylation are associated with tumors in epithelial tissue. These modifications allow the distinction between normal and abnormal cell conditions and represent important targets for vaccine development against some cancers. Mucins and mucin-like molecules derived from pathogens are potential diagnostic markers and targets for therapeutic agents. In this review, we summarize the distribution, structure, role as immunomodulators, and the correlation of human mucins with diseases and perform a comparative analysis of mucins with mucin-like molecules present in human pathogens. Furthermore, we review the methods to produce pathogenic and human mucins using chemical synthesis and expression systems. Finally, we present applications of mucin-like molecules in diagnosis and prevention of relevant human diseases.
Mucins and mucin-like molecules are highly O-glycosylated proteins present on the cell surface of mammals and other organisms. These glycoproteins are highly diverse in the apoprotein and glycan cores and play a central role in many biological processes and diseases. Mucins are the most abundant macromolecules in mucus and are responsible for its biochemical and biophysical properties. Mucin-like molecules cover various protozoan parasites, fungi and viruses. In humans, modifications in mucin glycosylation are associated with tumors in epithelial tissue. These modifications allow the distinction between normal and abnormal cell conditions and represent important targets for vaccine development against some cancers. Mucins and mucin-like molecules derived from pathogens are potential diagnostic markers and targets for therapeutic agents. In this review, we summarize the distribution, structure, role as immunomodulators, and the correlation of human mucins with diseases and perform a comparative analysis of mucins with mucin-like molecules present in human pathogens. Furthermore, we review the methods to produce pathogenic and human mucins using chemical synthesis and expression systems. Finally, we present applications of mucin-like molecules in diagnosis and prevention of relevant human diseases.
Copyright © 2019 Pinzón Martín, Seeberger and Varón Silva.
O-glycoproteins; cancer; infection; mucin-like molecules; mucins; parasites; virus- PMID:
- 31696111
- PMC6817596
- DOI:
- 10.3389/fchem.2019.00710
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