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måndag 30 december 2019

KCTD15 (19q13.11), Expr. skin, endometrium + 21. Neuraalipoimun induktiohierarkiassa tärkeä. Adipogeneesi. Obesitaskontrolli.

KCTD15 (19q13.119 , Expr. . skin, endometrium  +21.

Official Symbol
Official Full Name
potassium channel tetramerization domain containing 15provided by HGNC
Broad expression in skin (RPKM 22.8), endometrium (RPKM 7.8) and 21 other tissues See more
Preferred Names
BTB/POZ domain-containing protein KCTD15
potassium channel tetramerisation domain containing 15
potassium channel tetramerization domain-containing protein 15

What's a GeneRIF?
BTB/POZ domain-containing protein KCTD15 isoform 2 [Homo sapiens]
NCBI Reference Sequence: NP_001123466.1

LOCUS       NP_001123466             283 aa            linear   PRI 02-JUN-2019
DEFINITION  BTB/POZ domain-containing protein KCTD15 isoform 2 [Homo sapiens].
ACCESSION   NP_001123466
VERSION     NP_001123466.1
DBSOURCE    REFSEQ: accession NM_001129994.2
KEYWORDS    RefSeq; RefSeq Select.
SOURCE      Homo sapiens (human)
  ORGANISM  Homo sapiens
            Eukaryota; Metazoa; Chordata; Craniata; Vertebrata; Euteleostomi;
            Mammalia; Eutheria; Euarchontoglires; Primates; Haplorrhini;
            Catarrhini; Hominidae; Homo.
REFERENCE   1  (residues 1 to 283)
  AUTHORS   Smaldone G, Pirone L, Capolupo A, Vitagliano L, Monti MC, Di
            Gaetano S and Pedone E.
  TITLE     The essential player in adipogenesis GRP78 is a novel KCTD15
  JOURNAL   Int. J. Biol. Macromol. 115, 469-475 (2018)
   PUBMED   29665387
REFERENCE   2  (residues 1 to 283)
  AUTHORS   Gamero-Villarroel C, Gonzalez LM, Rodriguez-Lopez R, Albuquerque D,
            Carrillo JA, Garcia-Herraiz A, Flores I and Gervasini G.
  TITLE     Influence of TFAP2B and KCTD15 genetic variability on personality
            dimensions in anorexia and bulimia nervosa
  JOURNAL   Brain Behav 7 (9), e00784 (2017)
   PUBMED   28948079
  REMARK    GeneRIF: The KCTD15 rs287103 T variant allele was associated with
            increased risk of bulimia nervosa and with scores of
            psychopathological scales of these patients.
            Publication Status: Online-Only
REFERENCE   3  (residues 1 to 283)
  AUTHORS   Smaldone G, Pirone L, Pedone E, Marlovits T, Vitagliano L and
            Ciccarelli L.
  TITLE     The BTB domains of the potassium channel tetramerization domain
            proteins prevalently assume pentameric states
  JOURNAL   FEBS Lett. 590 (11), 1663-1671 (2016)
   PUBMED   27152988
REFERENCE   4  (residues 1 to 283)
  AUTHORS   Lv D, Zhang DD, Wang H, Zhang Y, Liang L, Fu JF, Xiong F, Liu GL,
            Gong CX, Luo FH, Chen SK, Li ZL and Zhu YM.
  TITLE     Genetic variations in SEC16B, MC4R, MAP2K5 and KCTD15 were
            associated with childhood obesity and interacted with dietary
            behaviors in Chinese school-age population
  JOURNAL   Gene 560 (2), 149-155 (2015)
   PUBMED   25637721
  REMARK    GeneRIF: SEC16B, MC4R, MAP2K5 and KCTD15 (rs17782313, rs543874,
            rs2241423 and rs11084753) polymorphisms are associated with the
            risk for children obesity in China.
REFERENCE   5  (residues 1 to 283)
  AUTHORS   Zarelli VE and Dawid IB.
  TITLE     The BTB-containing protein Kctd15 is SUMOylated in vivo
  JOURNAL   PLoS ONE 8 (9), e75016 (2013)
   PUBMED   24086424
  REMARK    GeneRIF: These data suggest that the non-SUMOylated form of Kctd15
            functions in neural crest development.
            Publication Status: Online-Only
REFERENCE   6  (residues 1 to 283)
  AUTHORS   Bauer F, Elbers CC, Adan RA, Loos RJ, Onland-Moret NC, Grobbee DE,
            van Vliet-Ostaptchouk JV, Wijmenga C and van der Schouw YT.
  TITLE     Obesity genes identified in genome-wide association studies are
            associated with adiposity measures and potentially with
            nutrient-specific food preference
  JOURNAL   Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 90 (4), 951-959 (2009)
   PUBMED   19692490
  REMARK    GeneRIF: Observational study of gene-disease association. (HuGE
REFERENCE   7  (residues 1 to 283)
  AUTHORS   Renstrom F, Payne F, Nordstrom A, Brito EC, Rolandsson O, Hallmans
            G, Barroso I, Nordstrom P and Franks PW.
  CONSRTM   GIANT Consortium
  TITLE     Replication and extension of genome-wide association study results
            for obesity in 4923 adults from northern Sweden
  JOURNAL   Hum. Mol. Genet. 18 (8), 1489-1496 (2009)
   PUBMED   19164386
  REMARK    GeneRIF: Observational study of gene-disease association. (HuGE
REFERENCE   8  (residues 1 to 283)
  AUTHORS   Willer CJ, Speliotes EK, Loos RJ, Li S, Lindgren CM, Heid IM,
            Berndt SI, Elliott AL, Jackson AU, Lamina C, Lettre G, Lim N, Lyon
            HN, McCarroll SA, Papadakis K, Qi L, Randall JC, Roccasecca RM,
            Sanna S, Scheet P, Weedon MN, Wheeler E, Zhao JH, Jacobs LC,
            Prokopenko I, Soranzo N, Tanaka T, Timpson NJ, Almgren P, Bennett
            A, Bergman RN, Bingham SA, Bonnycastle LL, Brown M, Burtt NP,
            Chines P, Coin L, Collins FS, Connell JM, Cooper C, Smith GD,
            Dennison EM, Deodhar P, Elliott P, Erdos MR, Estrada K, Evans DM,
            Gianniny L, Gieger C, Gillson CJ, Guiducci C, Hackett R, Hadley D,
            Hall AS, Havulinna AS, Hebebrand J, Hofman A, Isomaa B, Jacobs KB,
            Johnson T, Jousilahti P, Jovanovic Z, Khaw KT, Kraft P, Kuokkanen
            M, Kuusisto J, Laitinen J, Lakatta EG, Luan J, Luben RN, Mangino M,
            McArdle WL, Meitinger T, Mulas A, Munroe PB, Narisu N, Ness AR,
            Northstone K, O'Rahilly S, Purmann C, Rees MG, Ridderstrale M, Ring
            SM, Rivadeneira F, Ruokonen A, Sandhu MS, Saramies J, Scott LJ,
            Scuteri A, Silander K, Sims MA, Song K, Stephens J, Stevens S,
            Stringham HM, Tung YC, Valle TT, Van Duijn CM, Vimaleswaran KS,
            Vollenweider P, Waeber G, Wallace C, Watanabe RM, Waterworth DM,
            Watkins N, Witteman JC, Zeggini E, Zhai G, Zillikens MC, Altshuler
            D, Caulfield MJ, Chanock SJ, Farooqi IS, Ferrucci L, Guralnik JM,
            Hattersley AT, Hu FB, Jarvelin MR, Laakso M, Mooser V, Ong KK,
            Ouwehand WH, Salomaa V, Samani NJ, Spector TD, Tuomi T, Tuomilehto
            J, Uda M, Uitterlinden AG, Wareham NJ, Deloukas P, Frayling TM,
            Groop LC, Hayes RB, Hunter DJ, Mohlke KL, Peltonen L, Schlessinger
            D, Strachan DP, Wichmann HE, McCarthy MI, Boehnke M, Barroso I,
            Abecasis GR and Hirschhorn JN.
  CONSRTM   Wellcome Trust Case Control Consortium; Genetic Investigation of
            ANthropometric Traits Consortium
  TITLE     Six new loci associated with body mass index highlight a neuronal
            influence on body weight regulation
  JOURNAL   Nat. Genet. 41 (1), 25-34 (2009)
   PUBMED   19079261
  REMARK    GeneRIF: Observational study, meta-analysis, and genome-wide
            association study of gene-disease association. (HuGE Navigator)
REFERENCE   9  (residues 1 to 283)
  AUTHORS   Thorleifsson G, Walters GB, Gudbjartsson DF, Steinthorsdottir V,
            Sulem P, Helgadottir A, Styrkarsdottir U, Gretarsdottir S,
            Thorlacius S, Jonsdottir I, Jonsdottir T, Olafsdottir EJ,
            Olafsdottir GH, Jonsson T, Jonsson F, Borch-Johnsen K, Hansen T,
            Andersen G, Jorgensen T, Lauritzen T, Aben KK, Verbeek AL,
            Roeleveld N, Kampman E, Yanek LR, Becker LC, Tryggvadottir L,
            Rafnar T, Becker DM, Gulcher J, Kiemeney LA, Pedersen O, Kong A,
            Thorsteinsdottir U and Stefansson K.
  TITLE     Genome-wide association yields new sequence variants at seven loci
            that associate with measures of obesity
  JOURNAL   Nat. Genet. 41 (1), 18-24 (2009)
   PUBMED   19079260
REFERENCE   10 (residues 1 to 283)
  AUTHORS   Ballif BA, Villen J, Beausoleil SA, Schwartz D and Gygi SP.
  TITLE     Phosphoproteomic analysis of the developing mouse brain
  JOURNAL   Mol. Cell Proteomics 3 (11), 1093-1101 (2004)
   PUBMED   15345747
COMMENT     VALIDATED REFSEQ: This record has undergone validation or
            preliminary review. The reference sequence was derived from
            BP339379.1, AK027901.1, AK225793.1, AK025590.1, CX752088.1 and
            Transcript Variant: This variant (2) uses a different splice site
            in the 3' coding region, compared to variant 1, that results in a
            frameshift. The resulting protein (isoform 2) has a longer and
            distinct C-terminus compared to isoform 1. Variants 2 and 3 both
            encode the same protein.
            Publication Note:  This RefSeq record includes a subset of the
            publications that are available for this gene. Please see the Gene
            record to access additional publications.
            Transcript exon combination :: SRR1803615.41157.1,
                                           SRR1660803.131822.1 [ECO:0000332]
            RNAseq introns              :: single sample supports all introns
                                           SAMEA1965299, SAMEA1966682
            RefSeq Select criteria :: based on conservation, expression,
                                      longest protein
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     source          1..283
                     /organism="Homo sapiens"
     Protein         1..283
                     /product="BTB/POZ domain-containing protein KCTD15 isoform
                     /note="BTB/POZ domain-containing protein KCTD15; potassium
                     channel tetramerisation domain containing 15; potassium
                     channel tetramerization domain-containing protein 15"
     Site            31
                     /experiment="experimental evidence, no additional details
                     /note="Phosphoserine. {ECO:0000244|PubMed:18669648};
                     propagated from UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot (Q96SI1.1)"
     Site            35
                     /experiment="experimental evidence, no additional details
                     /note="Phosphoserine. {ECO:0000244|PubMed:18669648,
                     ECO:0000244|PubMed:19369195, ECO:0000244|PubMed:20068231,
                     ECO:0000244|PubMed:23186163}; propagated from
                     UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot (Q96SI1.1)"
     Site            38
                     /experiment="experimental evidence, no additional details
                     /note="Phosphoserine. {ECO:0000244|PubMed:18669648,
                     ECO:0000244|PubMed:20068231}; propagated from
                     UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot (Q96SI1.1)"
     Region          58..145
                     /note="BTB/POZ domain; cl02518"
     CDS             1..283
                     /note="isoform 2 is encoded by transcript variant 2"
        1 mphrkerpsg sslhthgstg taeggnmsrl sltrspvspl aaqgiplpaq ltksnapvhi
       61 dvgghmytss latltkypds risrlfngte pivldslkqh yfidrdgeif ryvlsflrts
      121 klllpddfkd fsllyeeary yqlqpmvrel erwqqeqeqr rrsracdclv vrvtpdlger
      181 ialsgekali eevfpetgdv mcnsvnagwn qdpthvirfp lngycrlnsv qvlerlfqrg
      241 fsvaascggg vdssqfseyv lcreerrpqp tptavrikqe pld

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