Ensiksi näin maininnan proteiinin bromodomeenista TIRMproteiinisa TRIM28 ( KAP1).
Toiseksi siitä mainittiin eräässä väitöstyössä, onkologian alueella. ja siitä kirjoitan tässä enemmän. kolamnneksio taas näin täsä domeenista uudessa immuniteettia kåäsitelevässä kirjassa kirjastossa maintiavan BET bromodomeenista parilla lauseella. Nyt siten huomaan SARS2 viruksen interaktioproteiinien jouksosa kaksi bromodomeenin omaavaa proteiinia BRD2 ja BRD4.
Katson niistäkin geeneistä tiedet tämän teesikommentin jälkeen. Löytyy aika tuore artikkeli ja otan sen seuraavan otsikon alle.
Vuonna 2016 oli väitöstilaisuus ahlgrenskan akatemiassa aiheesta "Targeting Myc-driven tumours BETing on ATR. " Yleensä en niin ensisijaisesti mennyt onkologisia aiheita kuutnelemaan, muta tässä oli tuo MYC, josta yritin saada käsitystä.
Tässä sitten esiintyi se BET bromodomeeni ja HDAC inhibiittorit. (Sirtuiinit olenkin katsonut läpi ja tehnyt niistä muistiinpanpot )
Asetan teesin tiedot tähän: http://hdl.handle.net/2077/41548
Bhadury J, Nilsson LM, Muralidharan SV, Green LC, Li Z, Gesner EM,
Hansen HC, Keller UB, McLure KG, Nilsson JA.
BET and HDAC inhibitors
induce similar genes and biological effects and synergize to kill in
Myc-induced murine lymphoma. Proceedings of the National Academy of
Sciences. 2014 Jul 1;111(26):E2721-30
Muralidharan SV, Bhadury J, Nilsson LM, Green LC, McLure KG, Nilsson
BET bromodomain inhibitors synergize with ATR inhibitors to induce
DNA damage, apoptosis, senescence-associated secretory pathway and ER
stress in Myc-induced lymphoma cells. Oncogene. 2016 Jan 25
enhancement of apoptosis in melanoma by ATR & BET bromodomain
inhibitors”. Somsundar Veppil Muralidharan, Berglind Einarsdottir,
Mattias Lindberg, Joydeep Bhadury, Eric Campeau, Roger Olofsson Bagge,
Ulrika Stierner, Lars Ny, Lisa M. Nilsson and Jonas A. Nilsson
Cancer arises from loss of function of tumour suppressors and/or
gain of function mutations in proto-oncogenes that disrupt the delicate
balance required for homeostatic cell division, resulting in
uncontrolled cell proliferation.
Oncogenic transformation of
multifaceted proto-oncogene - transcription factor - MYC can give rise
to cancers and it is found to be deregulated in more than 70% of the
Targeting MYC directly or identifying the Achille’s heel of
MYC-driven tumours is thus a promising
therapeutic approach to treat these tumours.
This thesis investigates
and demonstrates novel therapeutic approaches against MYC-driven
In the first publication (Bhadury et al, 2014), we characterize a novel
and orally bio-available BET bromodomain inhibitor (BETi) RVX2135.
also identified BET bromodomain proteins as a valuable therapeutic
target against MYC driven tumours in vitro and in vivo.
Gene expression
profiling to identify these transcriptional changes enabled us to
identify subset of genes that are commonly altered by both BETi and
This study also demonstrates that HDACi and BETi can synergize to
hinder Myc-induced lymphoma progression.
The second publication (Muralidharan et al, 2016) in this thesis
investigates the role of BET proteins in regulating cell cycle and
BETi disable the entry of cells into S-phase of cell-cycle,
hamper DNA synthesis and cause DNA damage.
A pharmacogenetic screen
identified BET inhibitors to synergize with inhibition of PI3K/mTOR
family of proteins, to which ATR, an upstream kinase of DDR pathway
Further studies revealed that the thus identified PI3K/mTOR
inhibitors indeed affect ATR-Chkl DDR pathway leading to the discovery
of a strong synergy between BETi and ATRi in apoptosing Myc driven
tumours in vitro, and in vivo and (by) it induces SASP and ER stress.
The third study translates the above findings into the field of
melanoma, a form of skin cancer. We validate the BETi-ATRi synergy in
cell lines in vitro and in Patient Derived Xenografts (PDX) in vivo.
Using B16F10 in vivo syngenic transplant melanoma model, we also
demonstrated that this combination therapy can be safely combined with
Immune Therapy, the front line treatment against melanoma in clinic
Taken together, this thesis puts forth a multifaceted approach to treat
cancer. It thoroughly describes the effects of BETi and ATRi on cancer
cells and how they can be combined to enhance the therapeutic efficacy
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