Tapasin tänään uuden sinkkisormiproteiinin ZNF683 , kun luin uudesta diagnostisesta menetelmästä Viral-Track , jolla voidaan tutkia COVID-19 potilaiden keuhkohuuhtelunäytteiden kudos ja immuunisolujen tilannetta, ovatko ne infektoituneita viruksesta vai bystander-soluja. Menetelmässä voidaan erottaa lievää COVID-19 tautia ja vaikeaa tautimuotoa sairastavien soluprofiilit. COVID--19 infektiossa lymfoidisissa soluissa tavataan CD8+ solujen yhteydessä ZNF683 sinkkisormiproteiinia. lievemmän tautimuodon merkitsijänä.
Katson lisäietoa tästä sinkkisormiproteiinista.
Sinkkisormirakenteesta konservoituneet domeenit:
ORIGIN 1 mkeesaaqlg cchrpmalgg tggslspsld fqlfrgdqvf sacrplpdmv dahgpscasw 61 lcplplapgr sallaclqdl dlnlctpqpa plgtdlqglq edalsmkhep pglqasstdd 121 kkftvkypqn kdklgkqper agegapcpaf sshnsssppp lqnrkspspl afcpcppvns 181 iskelpfllh afypgyplll ppphlftyga lpsdqcphll mlpqdpsypt mampsllmmv 241 nelghpsarw etllpypgaf qasgqalpsq arnpgagaap tdspglergg maspakrvpl 301 ssqtgtaalp yplkkkngki lyecnicgks fgqlsnlkvh lrvhsgerpf qcalcqksft 361 qlahlqkhhl vhtgerphkc svchkrfsss snlkthlrlh sgarpfqcsv crsrftqhih 421 lklhhrlhap qpcglvhtql plaslaclaq whqgaldlma vasekhmgyd idevkvssts 481 qgkaravsls sagtplvmgq dqnn //
- Conserved Domains (4) summary
- COG5048
Location:317 → 419 - COG5048; FOG: Zn-finger [General function prediction only]
- sd00017
Location:324 → 344 - ZF_C2H2; C2H2 Zn finger [structural motif]
- pfam00096
Location:322 → 344 - zf-C2H2; Zinc finger, C2H2 type
- pfam13465
Location:364 → 389 - zf-H2C2_2; Zinc-finger double domain
- COG5048
Aliases for ZNF683 Gene
- Zinc Finger Protein 683 2 3 4 5
- Tissue-Resident T-Cell Transcription Regulator Protein ZNF683 3 4
- Homolog Of Blimp-1 In T Cells 2 3
- Homolog Of Blimp-1 In T-Cell 3 4
- Hobit 3 4
- Hypothetical Protein MGC33414
- Transcription factor that mediates a transcriptional program in various innate and adaptive immune tissue-resident lymphocyte T-cell types such as tissue-resident memory T (Trm), natural killer (trNK) and natural killer T (NKT) cells and negatively regulates gene expression of proteins that promote the egress of tissue-resident T-cell populations from non-lymphoid organs. Plays a role in the development, retention and long-term establishment of adaptive and innate tissue-resident lymphocyte T cell types in non-lymphoid organs, such as the skin and gut, but also in other nonbarrier tissues like liver and kidney, and therefore may provide immediate immunological protection against reactivating infections or viral reinfection. Plays also a role in the differentiation of both thymic and peripheral NKT cells. Negatively regulates the accumulation of interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma) in NKT cells at steady state or after antigenic stimulation. Positively regulates granzyme B production in NKT cells after innate stimulation. Associates with the transcriptional repressor PRDM1/BLIMP1 to chromatin at gene promoter regions.
[Isoform 1]: Lacks transcriptional repressor activity. Binds to DNA within promoter regions of the transcriptional repressor PRDM1/BLIMP1 target sites. Unable to regulate interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma) production in cytomegalovirus (CMV)-infected effector CD8(+) T-cells.
[Isoform 2]: Transcriptional repressor that binds to DNA within promoter regions of the transcriptional repressor PRDM1/BLIMP1 target sites. Regulates interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma) production in cytomegalovirus (CMV)-infected effector CD8(+) T cells.
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