APOBEC4 kuuluu AID/APOBEC perheeseen, joka on polynukleotidi (deoxy)sytidiini deaminaasi entsyymeitä. mRNA.ta editoidessa en muutavat C-sytidiinin U- uridiiniksi. AID tarkoittta aktivaatiosta induoituvaa sytidiinideaminaasia. (APOBEC nimi taitaa viitata ApoB mRNA:n Cytosiinin editoimiseen).
Virallisen nimen suomennosta : " apolipoproteiini B mRNA:ta oletettavasti editoiva entsyymi, joka muuttaa Cytosiinin Uridiiniksi; katalyyttinen polypeptidin kaltainen proteiini 4 ". Tunnetaan myös nimellä C1orf169.
Muut perheen jäsenet osallistuvat mRNA-editoimiseen, somaattiseen hypermutaatioon ja immunoglobuliinigeenien rekombinaatioon ja retrovirusinfektion luonnolliseen immuunipuolustukseen. Tätä ABOBEC4 geeniä esiintyy restriktiivisesti testiksessä.
LÄHDE: - https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/gene/403314#gene-expression
- Also known as C1orf169
- Summary This gene encodes a member of the AID/APOBEC family of polynucleotide (deoxy) cytidine deaminases, which convert cytidine to uridine. Other AID/APOBEC family members are involved in mRNA editing, somatic hypermutation and recombination of immunoglobulin genes, and innate immunity to retroviral infection. [provided by RefSeq, Jul 2008]
- Expression Restricted expression toward testis (RPKM 6.1) See more
Preferred Names
- putative C to U-editing enzyme APOBEC-4
- Names
- apolipoprotein B mRNA editing enzyme, catalytic polypeptide-like 4 (putative)
Peptide sequence and history
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/protein/NP_982279.1Related articles in PubMed
APOBEC4 Enhances the Replication of HIV-1. Marino D, et al. PLoS One, 2016. PMID 27249646 (SUOMENNOSTA:) APOBEC4 kuuluu AID/ABOBEC sytidiinideaminaasi perheeseen. Tutkijat havaitsivat korkean mRNA pitoisuuden testiksessä, mutta vain hyvin matalan pitoisuuden A4 mRNA:ta 293T:ssa ym tutkimukseen kuuluneissa soluissa. Ektooppinen A4 (ABOBEC4) ilmenemä johti proteiinin sytoplasmiseen sijaintiin. He halusivat tietää, olisiko tällä proteiinilla myös antivirusvaikutusta kuten A3-alaperheellä ja he testasivat HIV-1 viruksen suhteen. He huomasivat, että A4 ei pystynyt estämään HIV-1 viruksen replikaatiota, vaan päinvastoin lisäsi HIV-1 virustuotantoa annoksesta riippuvalla tavalla ja näytti vaikuttavan viruksen LTR- domeeniin. A4 ei myöskään osoittanut havaittavaa sytidiinideaminaasiaktiivisuutta koeputkessa ja reagoi vain heikosti ssDNA:ta kohtaan. A4 läsnäolo lisäsi HIV-1 replikaatiota. Samalla tavalla A4 pystyi nopeuttamaan monien promoottorien transkriptiota oli sitten viruksesta tai ihmettäväissolusta kyse. Tutkijat olettavat, että ABOBEC4:n luonnollinen tehtävä on moduloida isäntäsolun promoottoreita tai endogeenisia LTR promoottoreita.
- APOBEC4 (A4) is a member of the AID/APOBEC family of cytidine deaminases. In this study we found a high mRNA expression of A4 in human testis. In contrast, there were only low levels of A4 mRNA detectable in 293T, HeLa, Jurkat or A3.01 cells. Ectopic expression of A4 in HeLa cells resulted in mostly cytoplasmic localization of the protein. To test whether A4 has antiviral activity similar to that of proteins of the APOBEC3 (A3) subfamily, A4 was co-expressed in 293T cells with wild type HIV-1 and HIV-1 luciferase reporter viruses. We found that A4 did not inhibit the replication of HIV-1 but instead enhanced the production of HIV-1 in a dose-dependent manner and seemed to act on the viral LTR. A4 did not show detectable cytidine deamination activity in vitro and weakly interacted with single-stranded DNA. The presence of A4 in virus producer cells enhanced HIV-1 replication by transiently transfected A4 or stably expressed A4 in HIV-susceptible cells. APOBEC4 was capable of similarly enhancing transcription from a broad spectrum of promoters, regardless of whether they were viral or mammalian. We hypothesize that A4 may have a natural role in modulating host promoters or endogenous LTR promoters.
APOBEC4, a new member of the AID/APOBEC family of polynucleotide (deoxy)cytidine deaminases predicted by computational analysis. Rogozin IB, et al. Cell Cycle, 2005 Sep. PMID 16082223
APOBEC deaminases-mutases with defensive roles for immunity. Prochnow C, et al. Sci China C Life Sci, 2009 Oct. PMID 19911124
Meta-analysis followed by replication identifies loci in or near CDKN1B, TET3, CD80, DRAM1, and ARID5B as associated with systemic lupus erythematosus in Asians. Yang W, et al. Am J Hum Genet, 2013 Jan 10. PMID 23273568, Free PMC Article
The DNA sequence and biological annotation of human chromosome 1. Gregory SG, et al. Nature, 2006 May 18. PMID 16710414 (Kommentti: APOBEC4 omaa geeninsä 1-kromosomissa poikkeuksena muista APOBEC-perheenjäsensitä. Kuitenkin APOBEC4 ja APOBEC1 joka on kromosomista 12 katsotaan klusteriksi ja toinen klusteri on APOBEC2 kromosomista 6 ja APOBEC3 kromosomista 22)
The reference sequence for each human chromosome provides the framework for understanding genome function, variation and evolution. Here we report the finished sequence and biological annotation of human chromosome 1. Chromosome 1 is gene-dense, with 3,141 genes and 991 pseudogenes, and many coding sequences overlap. Rearrangements and mutations of chromosome 1 are prevalent in cancer and many other diseases. Patterns of sequence variation reveal signals of recent selection in specific genes that may contribute to human fitness, and also in regions where no function is evident. Fine-scale recombination occurs in hotspots of varying intensity along the sequence, and is enriched near genes. These and other studies of human biology and disease encoded within chromosome 1 are made possible with the highly accurate annotated sequence, as part of the completed set of chromosome sequences that comprise the reference human genome.
See citations in PubMed for homologs of this gene provided by HomoloGene
GeneRIFs: Gene References Into FunctionsWhat's a GeneRIF?
- APOBEC4 is expressed primarily in testis which suggests the possibility that it is an editing enzyme for mRNAs involved in spermatogenesis
- Abstract ( SUOMENNOSTA. Varsinainen APOBEC4 geenin normaali funktio) . APOBEC4- proteiinin sinkkipitoinen koordinoiva motiivi osallistuu katalyysiin ja sekundääristruktuurit ovat aktiivia polynukleotidi(deoxy)sytosiinideaminaaseja. Fylogeneettisesti APOBEC4 on selvästi eri ryhmä: APOBEC4 ja APOBEC1 muodostavat oman klusterinsa, joka eroaa AID, APOBEC2 ja APOBEC3 alaryhmistä. Imettäväisissä APOBEC4 ilmenee primääristi testiksessä, mikä viittaa siihen amhdollisuuteen, että se on spermatogeneesiin osallistuva mRN:.ta editoiva entsyymi. (Kommenttini: Tavallaan HIV-1 virus voi ilmeisesti kaapata tämän virusreplikaation eduksi evaasiostrategioissaan).
- Using iterative database searches, we identified a new subfamily of the AID/APOBEC family of RNA/DNA editing cytidine deaminases. The new subfamily, which is represented by readily identifiable orthologs in mammals, chicken, and frog, but not fishes, was designated APOBEC4. The zinc-coordinating motifs involved in catalysis and the secondary structure of the APOBEC4 deaminase domain are evolutionarily conserved, suggesting that APOBEC4 proteins are active polynucleotide (deoxy)cytidine deaminases. In reconstructed maximum likelihood phylogenetic trees, APOBEC4 forms a distinct clade with a high statistical support. APOBEC4 and APOBEC1 are joined in a moderately supported cluster clearly separated from AID, APOBEC2 and APOBEC3 subfamilies. In mammals, APOBEC4 is expressed primarily in testis which suggests the possibility that it is an editing enzyme for mRNAs involved in spermatogenesis.
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GeneRIF Correction
C->U-editing enzyme APOBEC-4 [Homo sapiens]
NCBI Reference Sequence: NP_982279.1Identical Proteins FASTA Graphics
LOCUS NP_982279 367 aa linear PRI 10-MAY-2018 DEFINITION putative C-to U-editing enzyme APOBEC-4 [Homo sapiens]. ACCESSION NP_982279 VERSION NP_982279.1 DBSOURCE REFSEQ: accession NM_203454.2 KEYWORDS RefSeq. SOURCE Homo sapiens (human) ORGANISM Homo sapiens Eukaryota; Metazoa; Chordata; Craniata; Vertebrata; Euteleostomi; Mammalia; Eutheria; Euarchontoglires; Primates; Haplorrhini; Catarrhini; Hominidae; Homo. REFERENCE 1 (residues 1 to 367) AUTHORS Marino D, Perkovic M, Hain A, Jaguva Vasudevan AA, Hofmann H, Hanschmann KM, Muhlebach MD, Schumann GG, Konig R, Cichutek K, Haussinger D and Munk C. TITLE APOBEC4 Enhances the Replication of HIV-1 JOURNAL PLoS ONE 11 (6), e0155422 (2016) PUBMED 27249646 REMARK GeneRIF: APOBEC4 was capable of similarly enhancing transcription from a broad spectrum of promoters, regardless of whether they were viral or mammalian Publication Status: Online-Only REFERENCE 2 (residues 1 to 367) AUTHORS Yang W, Tang H, Zhang Y, Tang X, Zhang J, Sun L, Yang J, Cui Y, Zhang L, Hirankarn N, Cheng H, Pan HF, Gao J, Lee TL, Sheng Y, Lau CS, Li Y, Chan TM, Yin X, Ying D, Lu Q, Leung AM, Zuo X, Chen X, Tong KL, Zhou F, Diao Q, Tse NK, Xie H, Mok CC, Hao F, Wong SN, Shi B, Lee KW, Hui Y, Ho MH, Liang B, Lee PP, Cui H, Guo Q, Chung BH, Pu X, Liu Q, Zhang X, Zhang C, Chong CY, Fang H, Wong RW, Sun Y, Mok MY, Li XP, Avihingsanon Y, Zhai Z, Rianthavorn P, Deekajorndej T, Suphapeetiporn K, Gao F, Shotelersuk V, Kang X, Ying SK, Zhang L, Wong WH, Zhu D, Fung SK, Zeng F, Lai WM, Wong CM, Ng IO, Garcia-Barcelo MM, Cherny SS, Shen N, Tam PK, Sham PC, Ye DQ, Yang S, Zhang X and Lau YL. TITLE Meta-analysis followed by replication identifies loci in or near CDKN1B, TET3, CD80, DRAM1, and ARID5B as associated with systemic lupus erythematosus in Asians JOURNAL Am. J. Hum. Genet. 92 (1), 41-51 (2013) PUBMED 23273568 REFERENCE 3 (residues 1 to 367) AUTHORS Prochnow C, Bransteitter R and Chen XS. TITLE APOBEC deaminases-mutases with defensive roles for immunity JOURNAL Sci. China, C, Life Sci. 52 (10), 893-902 (2009) PUBMED 19911124 REMARK GeneRIF: Studies indicate the APOBEC family consists of 11 members: APOBEC-1 (Apo1), APOBEC-2 (Apo2), activation induced cytidine deaminase (AID), APOBEC- 3A, -3B, -3C, -3DE, -3F, -3H (Apo3A-H) and APOBEC- 4 (Apo4). Review article REFERENCE 4 (residues 1 to 367) AUTHORS Rogozin IB, Basu MK, Jordan IK, Pavlov YI and Koonin EV. TITLE APOBEC4, a new member of the AID/APOBEC family of polynucleotide (deoxy)cytidine deaminases predicted by computational analysis JOURNAL Cell Cycle 4 (9), 1281-1285 (2005) PUBMED 16082223 REMARK GeneRIF: APOBEC4 is expressed primarily in testis which suggests the possibility that it is an editing enzyme for mRNAs involved in spermatogenesis COMMENT REVIEWED REFSEQ: This record has been curated by NCBI staff. The reference sequence was derived from BC021711.2 and AI961390.1. Summary: This gene encodes a member of the AID/APOBEC family of polynucleotide (deoxy)cytidine deaminases, which convert cytidine to uridine. Other AID/APOBEC family members are involved in mRNA editing, somatic hypermutation and recombination of immunoglobulin genes, and innate immunity to retroviral infection. [provided by RefSeq, Jul 2008]. ##Evidence-Data-START## Transcript exon combination :: BC021711.2, AK098557.1 [ECO:0000332] RNAseq introns :: single sample supports all introns SAMEA1968968, SAMEA2144333 [ECO:0000348] ##Evidence-Data-END## FEATURES Location/Qualifiers source 1..367 /organism="Homo sapiens" /db_xref="taxon:9606" /chromosome="1" /map="1q25.3" Protein 1..367 /product="putative C->U-editing enzyme APOBEC-4" /note="apolipoprotein B mRNA editing enzyme, catalytic polypeptide-like 4 (putative)" /calculated_mol_wt=41450 Region 47..213 /region_name="APOBEC_N" /note="APOBEC-like N-terminal domain; pfam08210" /db_xref="CDD:285428" CDS 1..367 /gene="APOBEC4" /gene_synonym="C1orf169" /coded_by="NM_203454.2:273..1376" /db_xref="CCDS:CCDS1358.1" /db_xref="GeneID:403314" /db_xref="HGNC:HGNC:32152" /db_xref="MIM:609908" ORIGIN 1 mepiyeeyla nhgtivkpyy wlsfsldcsn cpyhirtgee arvsltefcq ifgfpygttf 61 pqtkhltfye lktssgslvq kghassctgn yihpesmlfe mngyldsaiy nndsirhiil 121 ysnnspcnea nhcciskmyn flitypgitl siyfsqlyht emdfpasawn realrslasl 181 wprvvlspis ggiwhsvlhs fisgvsgshv fqpiltgral adrhnayein aitgvkpyft 241 dvllqtkrnp ntkaqeales yplnnafpgq ffqmpsgqlq pnlppdlrap vvfvlvplrd 301 lppmhmgqnp nkprnivrhl nmpqmsfqet kdlgrlptgr sveiveiteq fasskeadek 361 kkkkgkk //
Päivitys 26.11. 2019 . Löytyi maininta CLR5- pohjaisesta E3-ubikitiiniligasikompleksista, joka voi säätää APOBEC antiretroviraalista proteiinia ja miten retrovirus voi suorittaa evaasion APOBEC- proteiinista.