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lördag 17 februari 2018

Ihmisen koodin kirjoituskone. Onko keholla "kirjoituskoneallergiaa?"

The international race to bring human genome editing into widespread use in clinical medicine is moving fast. On Jan 23, the National Institutes of Health Common Fund launched its Somatic Cell Genome Editing programme, committing approximately US$190 million of funding over the next 6 years to propel development of genome editing into medical practice. A worthy effort, but the USA and Europe still trail behind China. As many as 86 patients in China have already had their genes altered as part of clinical trials to treat a range of diseases, including solid cancers. Findings from these studies are yet to be reported in peer-reviewed journals. Worryingly, serious criticisms have been levelled at China for forging ahead with these trials without sufficient regulatory review.
Investigators of first in-human genome editing clinical trials in the USA and Europe have applied to the US Food and Drug Administration and the European Medicines Agency, respectively, to begin enrolling patients this year. Originally planned to start in 2016, these studies have, in part, been hampered by regulatory and safety concerns. Concerns that are by no means unwarranted—as the technology advances, questions about safety will undoubtedly be raised. A study published on the bioRxiv preprint server this year showed pre-existing adaptive immunity against bacterial-derived Cas9 in human serum, which could result in patients having immune reactions against the gene-editing machinery. Additionally, although all trials so far registered modify genes ex vivo in cells that are then reintroduced into patients, the next logical step is directly editing genes in vivo. A 2017 report of an animal study using an in vivo CRISPR/Cas9 system showed an unexpected number of off-target mutations, an important signal that further research is needed before in vivo gene editing techniques can be introduced into humans.Human genome editing is no longer a concept confined to the pages of futuristic science fiction novels—modifying genetic code is here now and is advancing rapidly. Globally, regulators and investigators must work together to ensure oversight of the development of gene editing technologies. Regulations must not only keep up and anticipate future applications, but also facilitate swift and safe implementation of the technology in the clinic.


(PS. Tulee mieleen  analogisesti  ubikitiini, onkohan se  jokin vanha  eliö, olio, bakteeri, kun sillä on propeptidi 9  toistosekvenssiä 9x76, ja sellainen syöjäproteosomihahmo kuuluu sen järjestelmään jolla on kuin pää ja häntä, mutta  olion hienontamat  tuotteet hyödynnetään kehomiljöössä
Ubikitiinin esiproteiinista  tulee 9 kpl monoubikitiiniä) Ihmiskeho on  ottanut sen hyötykäyttöön ja se on hyvin monipuolinen värkki: Niitä  osasia voi asettaa peräkkäin tai vierekkäin tilanteen mukaan vahventaen antivirusvastetta). 

CRISPR/Cas9 comes from strep bacteria...

CRISPR is actually a naturally-occurring, ancient defense mechanism found in a wide range of bacteria. As far as back the 1980s, scientists observed a strange pattern in some bacterial genomes. One DNA sequence would be repeated over and over again, with unique sequences in between the repeats. They called this odd configuration “clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats,” or CRISPR.
This was all puzzling until scientists realized the unique sequences in between the repeats matched the DNA of viruses—specifically viruses that prey on bacteria. It turns out CRISPR is one part of the bacteria’s immune system, which keeps bits of dangerous viruses around so it can recognize and defend against those viruses next time they attack. The second part of the defense mechanism is a set of enzymes called Cas (CRISPR-associated proteins), which can precisely snip DNA and slice the hell out of invading viruses. Conveniently, the genes that encode for Cas are always sitting somewhere near the CRISPR sequences.

Article | Open

A CRISPR-Cas9 Assisted Non-Homologous End-Joining Strategy for One-step Engineering of Bacterial Genome

  • Scientific Reports volume 6, Article number: 37895 (2016)
  • doi:10.1038/srep37895

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