
torsdag 11 juni 2020

ZNF896 (ZXDA) , ZNF897(ZFP92), ZNF898B (SCRT2) , ZNF898 (SCRT1) ja ZNF899(PRDM9)

ZNF899, (5p14.2), PRDM9, PR/SET domain 9

Tämä sinkkisormiproteiini  (ZNF899) on  tärkeä meioosin profaasissa, sillä se pystyy metyloimaan histoni3 proteiinin lysiini numero K4 ja asettamaan siihen  kolmannen metyyliryhmn. tuote siis on H3K4m3. Siis  se on histonimetyylitransferaasi. Se on H3-K4 spesifinen. tällä proteiinilla on monta erilaista  domeenia, muta  sinkkisormidomeeni ( tyyppiä C2H2) on tärkeä, koska se tunnistaa tuon spesifisen kohdan, johon pitää asettaa   se metyyli. Koska   tällä sinkkisormiproteiinilla on  monta  domeenia, sillä on erilaisia nimiä eikä vain tämä  sinkkisormiryhmän  numeronsa.

Tähän geeniin liittyvinä tauteina tunnetaan velokardiofakiaalinen oireyhtymä ja Hayerhillin kuume (streptobasilloosi, rotanpuremakuume). .

PR/SET Domain 9 2 3 5
Histone-Lysine N-Methyltransferase PRDM9 3 4
Protein-Lysine N-Methyltransferase PRDM9 3 4
Minisatellite Binding Protein 3 (115kD) 2 3
PR Domain Zinc Finger Protein 9 3 4
PR Domain Containing 9 2 3
PR Domain 9 2 3
PFM6 3 4
Minisatellite Binding Protein 3, 115kDa 2
PR Domain-Containing Protein 9 4 PR-Domain Containing Protein 9 2 Histone Methyl Transferase 3 EC 52 EC 2.1.1.- 4  , MEISETZ 3  ZNF899 3 ,KMT8B 3 , MSBP3 3
 The protein encoded by this gene is a zinc finger protein with histone methyltransferase activity that catalyzes histone H3 lysine 4 trimethylation (H3K4me3) during meiotic prophase. This protein contains multiple domains, including a Kruppel-associated box (KRAB) domain, an SSX repression domain (SSXRD), a PRD1-BF1 and RIZ homologous region, a subclass of SET (PR/SET) domain, and a tandem array of C2H2 zinc fingers. The zinc finger array recognizes a short sequence motif, leading to local H3K4me3, and meiotic recombination hotspot activity. The observed allelic variation alters the DNA-binding sequence specificity of the protein, resulting in distinct meiotic recombination hotspots amongst individuals and populations. Multiple alternate alleles of this gene have been described. [provided by RefSeq, Jul 2015]
Diseases associated with PRDM9 include Velocardiofacial Syndrome and Haverhill Fever. Among its related pathways are Meiosis and PKMTs methylate histone lysines. Gene Ontology (GO) annotations related to this gene include nucleic acid binding and histone methyltransferase activity (H3-K4 specific). An important paralog of this gene is ZNF343. Size: 894 amino acids Quaternary structure: Homodimer (PubMed:26833727, PubMed:24095733, Ref.9). Interacts with EHMT2 and CDYL; interaction only takes place when PRDM9 is bound to hotspot DNA. Interacts with CXXC1; this interaction does not link PRDM9-activated recombination hotspot sites with DSB machinery and is not required for the hotspot recognition pathway. Forms a complex with EWSR1, REC8, SYCP3 and SYCP1; complex formation is dependent of phosphorylated form of REC8 and requires PRDM9 bound to hotspot DNA; EWSR1 joins PRDM9 with the chromosomal axis through REC8 (By similarity). 

ZNF898, (8q24.3) SCRT1, Scratch Family Transcriptional repressor 1 

Tämä sinkkisormiproteiini on  C2H2 tyyppisen sinkkisormen omaava transkriptionaalinen repressori, joka  sitoutuu E-box-motiiviin.  Tämän geenin koodaamaa proteiini (348 aminohapon sekvenssi)  edistää neuronaalista erilaistumista. Onkologian puolella sitä voidaan tavata neuroendokriinispiirteisissä syövissä.   Tähän geeniin liittyviä tauteja on käpylisäkkeen alueen meningeoma ja extrahepaattinen sappitiehyt adenokarsinoma.

Scratch Family Transcriptional Repressor 1 2 3 5
Transcriptional Repressor Scratch 1 3 4
SCRT 3 4
Scratch (Drosophila Homolog) 1, Zinc Finger Protein 2
Scratch Homolog 1, Zinc Finger Protein (Drosophila) 2
Scratch Homolog 1, Zinc Finger Protein 3
Scratch Homolog 1 Zinc Finger Protein 4
Scratch Family Zinc Finger 1 3
Scratch 1 4  , ZNF898, HScrt.
 This gene encodes a C2H2-type zinc finger transcriptional repressor that binds to E-box motifs. The encoded protein may promote neural differention and may be involved in cancers with neuroendocrine features. [provided by RefSeq, Jul 2013]. SCRT1 (Scratch Family Transcriptional Repressor 1) is a Protein Coding gene. Protein: Size:348 amino acids. Molecular mass: 35570 Da Quaternary structure: Interacts (via SNAG domain) with LIMD1 (via LIM domains), WTIP (via LIM domains) and AJUBA (via LIM domains).
 Diseases associated with SCRT1 include Pineal Region Meningioma and Extrahepatic Bile Duct Adenocarcinoma. Gene Ontology (GO) annotations related to this gene include DNA-binding transcription factor activity. An important paralog of this gene is SCRT2.

ZNF898B, (20p13), SCRT2Transcriptional Repressor Scratch 2  
 Tämä sinkkisormiproteiini ZNF898B   on myös transkriptionaalinen repressori. Sen koodamaa aminohappo on lyhempi kuin edellinen(307 aminohappoa) Tämän repressoriaktiivisuus  on RNApol II-spesifinen.  Geeniin liittyvinä tauteina  mainitaan silmän sarveiskalvon dystrofia ja eräs  rustodysplasialaji.
SCRT2 (Scratch Family Transcriptional Repressor 2) is a Protein Coding gene. Protein: 307 a.a.
 Diseases associated with SCRT2 include Corneal Dystrophy, Subepithelial Mucinous and Metaphyseal Chondrodysplasia, Schmid Type. Gene Ontology (GO) annotations related to this gene include proximal promoter DNA-binding transcription repressor activity, RNA polymerase II-specific. An important paralog of this gene is SCRT1.

ZNF897ZFP92 , Zinc Finger protein 92  homolog 
Tällä sinkkisormiproteiinilla on  nimi sekä sinkkisormiluettelon (ZNF)  mukaan että sinkkisormiproteiiniluettelon (ZFP)  mukaan.   Tämä  proteiini näyttää liittyvän  Herpes Simplex 1-virusinfektioon.     Tämä saataa olla transkriptionsäätelijäproteiini. Sillä on 416 aminohappoa.
Aliases for ZFP92 Gene
ZFP92 Zinc Finger Protein 2 3 5
Zinc Finger Protein Homologous To Zfp92 In Mouse 2 3
Zinc Finger Protein 92 Homolog 3 4
Zfp-92 3 4
Zinc Finger Protein 92 Homolog (mouse)  

ZNF897 , ZFP92 (ZFP92 Zinc Finger Protein) is a Protein Coding gene. Among its related pathways are Herpes simplex virus 1 infection. Gene Ontology (GO) annotations related to this gene include nucleic acid binding. An important paralog of this gene is ZNF84.
UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot Summary for ZFP92 Gene: May be involved in transcriptional regulation. ZFP92_HUMAN,A6NM28 
Protein 416 a.a. 

 ZNF896, (Xp11.21), ZXDA,'

 Geeni  koodaa toista  kahdesta  kaksinkertaistuneesta sinkkisormigeenistä: Tämä X-kromosomin geeni (Xp11)  on telomeerinen kopio ja se, joka  on   sentromeerismpänä sijaitseva.  Ne kaksi geeniä omaavat 98%:sen nukleotidisekvenssien samankaltaisuuden  ja  oletetut proteiinit sisältävät 10 peräkkäistä sinkkisormimotiivia.  Tärkeä paralogi on  ZXDB ( ZNF905,  X11.21). 

Aliases for ZXDA Gene , Zinc Finger X-Linked Duplicated A 2 3 5  , Zinc Finger X-Linked Protein ZXDA 3 4 , Zinc Finger Protein 896 2 3  , ZNF896 3
This gene encodes one of two duplicated zinc finger genes on chromosome Xp11. This gene is the telomeric copy; GeneID 158586 ZXDB is the more centromeric copy. The two genes have 98% nucleotide sequence similarity, and the predicted proteins contain 10 tandem zinc finger motifs.Tähän geeniin ZXDA  liittyy monokromaattinen sinivärisokeus.

GeneCards Summary for ZXDA Gene
ZXDA (Zinc Finger X-Linked Duplicated A) is a Protein Coding gene. Diseases associated with ZXDA include Blue Cone Monochromacy. Gene Ontology (GO) annotations related to this gene include nucleic acid binding and C2H2 zinc finger domain binding. An important paralog of this gene is ZXDB  (= ZNF905, Xp11.21).

  • Lisänä tästä geenistä ZNF896 tärkeää tietoa:  Sillä on vaikutusta  immunologiseen  rakenteeseen: Se edistää MHC I ja MHC II luokkien geenitranskriptiota. Proteiinikoko 799 aminohappoa.
UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot Summary for ZXDA Gene:Cooperates with CIITA to promote transcription of MHC class I and MHC class II genes ZXDA_HUMAN,P98168
[provided by RefSeq, Nov 2009]
Protein attributes for ZXDA Gene: Size:799 amino acids. Molecular mass: 84771 Da
Tämä CIITA vasta erikoinen  geeni on.Siihen tekee interaktion sinkkisormiproteiinit  ZXD geenit A ja C.  ZXDA  edistää MCH luokkien I ja II geenien transkriptiota  ja ZXDC repressoi MCH luokka II transkriptiota, ainakin eräs sen  isoformi 3 tekee niin.    CIITA  taas edistää MHC II transkriptiota.

UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot Summary for CIITA Gene

  • Essential for transcriptional activity of the HLA class II promoter; activation is via the proximal promoter. No DNA binding of in vitro translated CIITA was detected. May act in a coactivator-like fashion through protein-protein interactions by contacting factors binding to the proximal MHC class II promoter, to elements of the transcription machinery, or both. Alternatively it may activate HLA class II transcription by modifying proteins that bind to the MHC class II promoter. Also mediates enhanced MHC class I transcription; the promoter element requirements for CIITA-mediated transcription are distinct from those of constitutive MHC class I transcription, and CIITA can functionally replace TAF1 at these genes. Activates CD74 transcription (PubMed:32855215). Exhibits intrinsic GTP-stimulated acetyltransferase activity. Exhibits serine/threonine protein kinase activity: can phosphorylate the TFIID component TAF7, the RAP74 subunit of the general transcription factor TFIIF, histone H2B at 'Ser-37' and other histones (in vitro). Has antiviral activity against Ebola virus and coronaviruses, including SARS-CoV-2. Induces resistance by up-regulation of the p41 isoform of CD74, which blocks cathepsin-mediated cleavage of viral glycoproteins, thereby preventing viral fusion (PubMed:32855215).
Nämä Histokompatibiliteettiin   vaikuttavat  geenitekijät sijaitsevat  eri kromosomeissa.  ZXDA sijaitsee  siinä tuplageenissä X-kromosomissa ZXDB:n olessa ilmeinen tukitekijä sen olemassaololle  ja ZXDC sijaitsee  kromosomissa 3q21.3 ja   niitten interaktiopartneri  CIITA,  "Master Control Factor"  ja tumassa stoimiva,  koodautuu kromosomista  16p13.13.

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